# This is the Gating sequence that modulates the storing of
# the new key and value in the CH pairs of the current
- # stack. The CH gating values are independent, which means
- # that the current K/V could be stored in multiple pairs of the
+ # stack. There are CH independent gating values, which means
+ # that the current K/V may be stored in multiple pairs of the
# recurrent state, or not at all.
G = (
torch.einsum("ntc,hec->nhet", X, self.w_G) + self.b_G[None, :, :, None]
+ # Clip the gating to avoid values greater than 1 when several
+ # heads hit the same row
+ G = G / G.sum(1, keepdim=True).clamp(min=1)
if self.training and self.proba_gate_dropout > 0.0:
- warnings.warn("gate droupout", RuntimeWarning)
+ warnings.warn("gate dropout", RuntimeWarning)
epsilon = 0.5
- # That was a bad idea
- # G = F.dropout(G, self.attention_dropout, self.training)
V = torch.einsum("ntc,hdc->nhtd", X, self.w_V)
K = torch.einsum("ntc,hdc->nhtd", X, self.w_K)
# We prepare the arguments for the parallel scan
- # Clip the gating
- warnings.warn("gating clipping", RuntimeWarning)
- G = G / G.sum(1, keepdim=True).clamp(min=1)
A = 1 - G.sum(1)
gated_V = torch.einsum("nhet,nhtd->netd", G, V)
gated_K = torch.einsum("nhet,nhtd->netd", G, K)
+ # Initial recurrent state
init_rec_V = self.rec_V[:, :, t0 - CL : t0]
init_rec_K = self.rec_K[:, :, t0 - CL : t0]
- # Here there is a trick: Since the stack at time t is computed
- # by updating that at time t-L, the parallel scan operates
- # with a period of L. To do so we split the time indexing in
- # two axes, the second of size CL, and run the parallel scan
- # using the other as the sequence index.
+ #################################################################
+ # Associative scan
+ # Here there is a trick: Since the stack at position t is
+ # computed by updating that at position t-CL, the parallel
+ # scan operates with a period of CL. To do so we split the
+ # sequence indexing in two axes, the second of size CL, and
+ # run the parallel scan using the first as the sequence index.
A = A.unflatten(2, (-1, CL))
gated_V = gated_V.unflatten(2, (-1, CL))
next_V = pscan_dim(A, gated_V, init_rec_V, dim=2)
next_K = pscan_dim(A, gated_K, init_rec_K, dim=2)
- # Put back the sequence index
self.rec_V[:, :, t0:t1] = next_V.flatten(2, 3)
self.rec_K[:, :, t0:t1] = next_K.flatten(2, 3)
+ #################################################################
if self.training and self.proba_flashback > 0.0:
warnings.warn("flash back", RuntimeWarning)
# This piece of code makes the assumption that there is