+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import math
-import torch, torchvision
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-import cairo
-def save_attention_image(
- # image to save
- filename,
- tokens_input,
- tokens_output,
- # list of 2d tensors T2xT1, T3xT2, ..., TkxTk-1
- attention_matrices,
- # do not draw links with a lesser attention
- min_link_attention=0,
- # draw only the strongest links necessary so that their summed
- # attention is above min_total_attention
- min_total_attention=None,
- # draw only the top k links
- k_top=None,
- # the purely graphical settings
- curved=True,
- pixel_scale=8,
- token_gap=15,
- layer_gap=25,
- y_eps=0.5,
- padding=10,
- if k_top is not None:
- am = []
- for m in attention_matrices:
- am.append(m * (m.sort(dim=-1, descending=True).indices < k_top))
- attention_matrices = am
- if min_total_attention is not None:
- am = []
- for m in attention_matrices:
- s = m.sort(dim=-1)
- m = 1 - (s.values.cumsum(-1) < 1 - min_total_attention).long()
- b = m.new(m.size()).scatter_(dim=-1, index=s.indices, src=m)
- am.append(m * b)
- surface = cairo.RecordingSurface(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, None)
- ctx = cairo.Context(surface)
- ctx.scale(pixel_scale, pixel_scale)
- ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- ctx.set_font_size(4.0)
- # ctx.select_font_face("Arial", cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
- x, y = 0, 0
- ctx.set_line_width(0.25)
- for d in range(len(attention_matrices)):
- at = attention_matrices[d].to("cpu")
- ni = torch.arange(at.size(0))[:, None].expand_as(at)
- nj = torch.arange(at.size(1))[None, :].expand_as(at)
- at = at.flatten()
- o = at.sort().indices
- at = at[o]
- ni = ni.flatten()[o]
- nj = nj.flatten()[o]
- for i, j, a in zip(ni, nj, at):
- if a > 0 and a >= min_link_attention:
- c = 1 - a.item()
- ctx.set_source_rgb(c, c, c)
- ax, ay = j * token_gap, y - y_eps
- ctx.move_to(ax, ay)
- dx, dy = i * token_gap, y - layer_gap + y_eps
- if curved:
- bx, by = ax, ay - layer_gap * 0.5
- cx, cy = dx, dy + layer_gap * 0.5
- ctx.curve_to(bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy)
- else:
- ctx.line_to(dx, dy)
- ctx.stroke()
- y -= layer_gap
- for d in range(0, len(attention_matrices) + 1):
- n = (
- attention_matrices[0].size(-1)
- if d == 0
- else attention_matrices[d - 1].size(-2)
- )
- for n in range(n):
- xc, yc = n * token_gap, -d * layer_gap
- ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- ctx.arc(xc, yc, token_gap / 10, 0, 2 * math.pi)
- ctx.fill()
- ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- ctx.arc(xc, yc, token_gap / 20, 0, 2 * math.pi)
- ctx.fill()
- ctx.set_source_rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- for k, t in enumerate(tokens_input):
- s = str(t)
- (
- x_bearing,
- y_bearing,
- width_t,
- height_t,
- x_advance,
- y_advance,
- ) = ctx.text_extents(s)
- ctx.move_to(k * token_gap - width_t / 2, 2 * token_gap / 5)
- ctx.show_text(s)
- for k, t in enumerate(tokens_output):
- s = str(t)
- (
- x_bearing,
- y_bearing,
- width_t,
- height_t,
- x_advance,
- y_advance,
- ) = ctx.text_extents(s)
- ctx.move_to(
- k * token_gap - width_t / 2,
- -token_gap / 5 - len(attention_matrices) * layer_gap,
- )
- ctx.show_text(s)
- x, y, width, height = surface.ink_extents()
- x -= padding
- y -= padding
- width += 2 * padding
- height += 2 * padding
- pdf_surface = cairo.PDFSurface(filename, width, height)
- ctx_pdf = cairo.Context(pdf_surface)
- ctx_pdf.set_source_surface(surface, -x, -y)
- ctx_pdf.paint()
- pdf_surface.finish()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import mygpt
- tokens_output = ["<wat>", "-", 3, 4, "<end>"]
- tokens_input = [""] + tokens_output[:-1]
- vocabulary_size = 3
- x = torch.randint(vocabulary_size, (1, len(tokens_input)))
- model = mygpt.MyGPT(
- vocabulary_size=vocabulary_size,
- dim_model=4,
- dim_keys=2,
- dim_hidden=2,
- nb_heads=2,
- nb_blocks=5,
- dropout=0.1,
- causal=True,
- )
- model.eval()
- model.record_attention()
- y1 = model(mygpt.BracketedSequence(x)).x
- attention_matrices = [m[0, 0] for m in model.retrieve_attention()]
- # attention_matrices = [torch.rand(*s) for s in [ (4,5),(3,4),(8,3),(5,8) ]]
- save_attention_image(
- "attention.pdf",
- tokens_input,
- tokens_output,
- attention_matrices,
- # k_top=2,
- min_total_attention=0.9,
- )
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import math
-import torch, torchvision
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-class Problem:
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- pass
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "[NOT IMPLEMENTED]"
- def compute_nb_correct(self, input, ar_mask, result):
- nb_total = ar_mask.sum().item()
- nb_correct = ((result == input).long() * ar_mask).sum().item()
- return nb_total, nb_correct
-class ProblemDegradation(Problem):
- def __init__(self, nb_state_tokens=5, nb_time_steps=12, value_max=25, hard=False):
- assert value_max // nb_state_tokens >= 2
- self.nb_state_tokens = nb_state_tokens
- self.nb_time_steps = nb_time_steps
- self.value_max = value_max
- self.hard = hard
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- x = (
- torch.rand(nb, self.nb_state_tokens).sort(dim=-1).indices == 0
- ).long() * self.value_max
- seq = [x]
- for t in range(self.nb_time_steps - 1):
- v = (torch.rand(x.size()).sort(dim=-1).indices + 1) * (x >= 2).long()
- u = (v.max(dim=-1, keepdim=True).values == v).long()
- n = (
- (u * x)
- .minimum(2 + torch.randint(self.value_max // 4 - 2, x.size()))
- .sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
- )
- m = 1 + ((n - 1) * torch.rand(n.size())).long()
- x = (
- x
- + m * u.roll(shifts=-1, dims=-1)
- - n * u
- + (n - m) * u.roll(shifts=1, dims=-1)
- )
- seq.append(x)
- if self.hard:
- seq.reverse()
- seq = torch.cat(seq, dim=1)
- return seq, seq.new_full(seq.size(), 1, dtype=torch.int64)
- def compute_nb_correct(self, input, ar_mask, result):
- nb_total = result.size(0)
- nb_correct = 0
- e = result.new_zeros(self.nb_state_tokens)
- for seq in result:
- states = list(seq.split(self.nb_state_tokens))
- if self.hard:
- states.reverse()
- d = states[0]
- j = d.sort(descending=True).indices[0]
- e.zero_()
- e[j] = self.value_max
- if (d - e).abs().sum() == 0:
- nb_errors = 0
- for k in range(len(states) - 1):
- d = states[k + 1] - states[k]
- j = d.sort(descending=False).indices[0]
- if (
- d[j] == 0
- or d[j] > self.value_max // 4
- or d[(j + 1) % e.size(0)] <= 0
- or d[(j + 1) % e.size(0)] >= -d[j]
- ):
- nb_errors += 1
- else:
- e.zero_()
- e[j] = d[j]
- e[(j + 1) % e.size(0)] = d[(j + 1) % e.size(0)]
- e[(j - 1) % e.size(0)] = -d[(j + 1) % e.size(0)] - d[j]
- if (d - e).abs().sum() > 0:
- nb_errors += 1
- if nb_errors == 0:
- nb_correct += 1
- return nb_total, nb_correct
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return " | ".join(
- [" ".join([f"{x:02d}" for x in s]) for s in seq.split(self.nb_state_tokens)]
- )
-class ProblemMemory(Problem):
- def __init__(self, len_total=25):
- self.len_total = len_total
- self.max_len_pattern = 5
- self.nb_noise_tokens = 10
- self.start_pattern_token = 0
- self.end_pattern_token = 1
- self.start_result_token = 2
- self.end_result_token = 3
- self.token_string = "[]<>" + "".join(
- [chr(ord("a") + k) for k in range(self.nb_noise_tokens)]
- )
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- sequences = (
- torch.randint(self.nb_noise_tokens, (nb, self.len_total))
- + self.end_result_token
- + 1
- )
- len_patterns = torch.randint(self.max_len_pattern, (nb,)) + 1
- pattern_positions = torch.randint(
- self.len_total - (5 + 2 * self.max_len_pattern), (nb,)
- )
- k = self.len_total - (3 + self.max_len_pattern)
- for i in range(nb):
- l = len_patterns[i]
- j = pattern_positions[i]
- sequences[i, j] = self.start_pattern_token
- sequences[i, j + l + 2] = self.end_pattern_token
- sequences[i, k] = self.start_result_token
- sequences[i, k + l + 2] = self.end_result_token
- sequences[i, k + 1 : k + 2 + l] = sequences[i, j + 1 : j + 2 + l]
- j = torch.arange(self.len_total)[None, :]
- ar_mask = (j > k).long() * (j <= k + 1 + len_patterns[:, None]).long()
- return sequences, ar_mask
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "".join(self.token_string[x.item()] for x in seq)
-class ProblemTwoTargets(Problem):
- def __init__(self, len_total=10, len_targets=3):
- assert len_targets >= 3
- assert len_total >= 3 * len_targets - 1
- self.len_total = len_total
- self.len_targets = len_targets
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- k = torch.arange(self.len_total)[None, :]
- s = torch.randint(10, (nb, self.len_total))
- l = torch.rand(nb, self.len_total)
- l = l * (k <= self.len_total - self.len_targets).long()
- k1 = l.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)
- m = (k != k1).long() * (k != k1 + self.len_targets - 1).long()
- s = s * m + 10 * (1 - m)
- l = l * (
- 1
- - (k + self.len_targets - 1 >= k1).long()
- * (k < k1 + self.len_targets).long()
- )
- k2 = l.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True)
- m = (k != k2).long() * (k != k2 + self.len_targets - 1).long()
- s = s * m + 11 * (1 - m)
- a1 = s.gather(dim=1, index=k1 + 1 + torch.arange(self.len_targets - 2)[None, :])
- a2 = s.gather(dim=1, index=k2 + 1 + torch.arange(self.len_targets - 2)[None, :])
- sequences = torch.cat(
- (
- s,
- torch.full((nb, 1), 12),
- a1,
- torch.full((nb, 1), 12),
- a2,
- torch.full((nb, 1), 12),
- ),
- 1,
- )
- ar_mask = (sequences == 12).long()
- ar_mask = (ar_mask.cumsum(1) - ar_mask).clamp(max=1)
- return sequences, ar_mask
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "".join("0123456789-+|"[x.item()] for x in seq)
-class ProblemByHeart(Problem):
- def __init__(self, nb_sentences=100, len_prompt=8, len_result=8, separation=1):
- self.seq = torch.randint(
- 10, (nb_sentences, len_prompt + separation + len_result)
- )
- self.seq[:, len_prompt : len_prompt + separation] = 10
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- sequences = self.seq[torch.randint(self.seq.size(0), (nb,))]
- ar_mask = (sequences == 10).long()
- ar_mask = (ar_mask.cumsum(1) - ar_mask).clamp(max=1)
- return sequences, ar_mask
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "".join("0123456789|"[x.item()] for x in seq)
-class ProblemLearnOperator(Problem):
- def __init__(self, nb_operators=100, len_source=6, len_result=9):
- self.len_source = len_source
- self.len_result = len_result
- self.len_nb_operator = int(math.log(nb_operators) / math.log(10)) + 1
- self.operators = F.one_hot(
- torch.rand(nb_operators, len_result, len_source).argmax(-1),
- num_classes=len_source,
- )
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- nb_operators = torch.randint(self.operators.size(0), (nb,))
- operators = self.operators[nb_operators]
- nb_operators = (
- nb_operators[:, None]
- // 10 ** torch.arange(self.len_nb_operator - 1, -1, -1)
- ) % 10
- marker1 = torch.full((nb, 1), 10)
- source = torch.rand(nb, 10).sort(dim=1).indices[:, : self.len_source]
- marker2 = torch.full((nb, 1), 11)
- result = operators.bmm(source[:, :, None]).squeeze(-1)
- sequences = torch.cat((nb_operators, marker1, source, marker2, result), 1)
- ar_mask = (sequences == 11).long()
- ar_mask = (ar_mask.cumsum(1) - ar_mask).clamp(max=1)
- return sequences, ar_mask
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "".join("0123456789|>"[x.item()] for x in seq)
-class ProblemGuessOperator(Problem):
- def __init__(self, len_source=5, len_result=8):
- self.len_source = len_source
- self.len_result = len_result
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- operators = F.one_hot(
- torch.rand(nb, self.len_result, self.len_source).argmax(-1),
- num_classes=self.len_source,
- )
- source1 = torch.rand(nb, 10).sort(dim=1).indices[:, : self.len_source]
- marker1 = torch.full((nb, 1), 10)
- result1 = operators.bmm(source1[:, :, None]).squeeze(-1)
- marker2 = torch.full((nb, 1), 11)
- source2 = torch.randint(10, (nb, self.len_source))
- marker3 = torch.full((nb, 1), 12)
- result2 = operators.bmm(source2[:, :, None]).squeeze(-1)
- sequences = torch.cat(
- (source1, marker1, result1, marker2, source2, marker3, result2), 1
- )
- ar_mask = (sequences == 12).long()
- ar_mask = (ar_mask.cumsum(1) - ar_mask).clamp(max=1)
- return sequences, ar_mask
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "".join("0123456789>|~"[x.item()] for x in seq)
-class ProblemAddition(Problem):
- def __init__(self, nb_digits=10, zero_padded=False, inverted_result=False):
- self.nb_digits = nb_digits
- self.zero_padded = zero_padded
- self.inverted_result = inverted_result
- self.char2id = dict([(c, n) for n, c in enumerate("0123456789+=$")])
- self.id2char = dict([(n, c) for c, n in self.char2id.items()])
- def tensorize(self, strings):
- len_max = max([len(x) for x in strings])
- return torch.cat(
- [
- torch.tensor(
- [
- [self.char2id[c] for c in s + "$" * (len_max - len(s))]
- for s in strings
- ]
- )
- ],
- 0,
- )
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- sequences = []
- for k in range(nb):
- a, b = torch.randint(10**self.nb_digits, (2,))
- c = a + b
- a, b, c = str(a.item()), str(b.item()), str(c.item())
- if self.zero_padded:
- a = "0" * (self.nb_digits - len(a)) + a
- b = "0" * (self.nb_digits - len(b)) + b
- c = "0" * (self.nb_digits + 1 - len(c)) + c
- if self.inverted_result:
- c = c[::-1]
- sequences.append(f"{a}+{b}={c}$")
- sequences = self.tensorize(sequences)
- ar_mask = (sequences == self.char2id["="]).long()
- ar_mask = (ar_mask.cumsum(1) - ar_mask).clamp(max=1)
- return sequences, ar_mask
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return "".join(self.id2char[x.item()] for x in seq)
-class ProblemMixing(Problem):
- def __init__(
- self, height=4, width=4, nb_time_steps=9, hard=False, random_start=True
- ):
- self.height = height
- self.width = width
- self.nb_time_steps = nb_time_steps
- self.hard = hard
- self.random_start = random_start
- def start_random(self, nb):
- y = torch.arange(self.height * self.width).reshape(1, -1).expand(nb, -1)
- if self.random_start:
- i = (
- torch.arange(self.height)
- .reshape(1, -1, 1)
- .expand(nb, self.height, self.width)
- )
- j = (
- torch.arange(self.width)
- .reshape(1, 1, -1)
- .expand(nb, self.height, self.width)
- )
- ri = torch.randint(self.height, (nb,)).reshape(nb, 1, 1)
- rj = torch.randint(self.width, (nb,)).reshape(nb, 1, 1)
- m = 1 - torch.logical_or(i == ri, j == rj).long().flatten(1)
- y = y * m + self.height * self.width * (1 - m)
- y = y.reshape(nb, self.height, self.width)
- return y
- def start_error(self, x):
- if self.random_start:
- i = (
- torch.arange(self.height, device=x.device)
- .reshape(1, -1, 1)
- .expand_as(x)
- )
- j = torch.arange(self.width, device=x.device).reshape(1, 1, -1).expand_as(x)
- ri = (
- (x == self.height * self.width)
- .long()
- .sum(dim=-1)
- .argmax(-1)
- .view(-1, 1, 1)
- )
- rj = (
- (x == self.height * self.width)
- .long()
- .sum(dim=-2)
- .argmax(-1)
- .view(-1, 1, 1)
- )
- m = 1 - torch.logical_or(i == ri, j == rj).long().flatten(1)
- else:
- m = 1
- x = x.flatten(1)
- u = torch.arange(self.height * self.width, device=x.device).reshape(1, -1)
- d = (x - (m * u + (1 - m) * self.height * self.width)).abs().sum(-1)
- return d
- def moves(self, x):
- y = (
- x[:, None, :, :]
- .expand(-1, self.height * 2 + self.width * 2, -1, -1)
- .clone()
- )
- k = 0
- for i in range(self.height):
- y[:, k, i, :] = y[:, k, i, :].roll(dims=-1, shifts=-1)
- k += 1
- y[:, k, i, :] = y[:, k, i, :].roll(dims=-1, shifts=1)
- k += 1
- for j in range(self.width):
- y[:, k, :, j] = y[:, k, :, j].roll(dims=-1, shifts=-1)
- k += 1
- y[:, k, :, j] = y[:, k, :, j].roll(dims=-1, shifts=1)
- k += 1
- return y
- def generate_sequences(self, nb):
- x = self.start_random(nb)
- seq = [x.flatten(1)]
- for t in range(self.nb_time_steps - 1):
- y = self.moves(x)
- x = y[torch.arange(nb), torch.randint(y.size(1), (nb,))]
- seq.append(x.flatten(1))
- if self.hard:
- seq.reverse()
- seq = torch.cat(seq, dim=1)
- return seq, seq.new_full(seq.size(), 1, dtype=torch.int64)
- def compute_nb_correct(self, input, ar_mask, result):
- a = [
- x.reshape(result.size(0), self.height, self.width)
- for x in result.split(self.height * self.width, dim=1)
- ]
- if self.hard:
- a.reverse()
- x = a[0]
- d = self.start_error(x)
- for t in range(self.nb_time_steps - 1):
- x0, x = a[t], a[t + 1]
- y = self.moves(x0)
- d = d + (x[:, None] - y).abs().sum((-1, -2)).min(dim=-1).values
- nb_total, nb_correct = result.size(0), (d == 0).long().sum().item()
- return nb_total, nb_correct
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- return " | ".join(
- [
- " ".join(
- [
- "-".join(
- [
- f"{x:02d}" if x < self.height * self.width else "**"
- for x in s
- ]
- )
- for s in r.split(self.width)
- ]
- )
- for r in seq.split(self.height * self.width)
- ]
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- p = ProblemMixing(height=3, width=3, random_start=False)
- s, m = p.generate_sequences(10000)
- for x in s[:5]:
- print(p.seq2str(x))
- print(p.compute_nb_correct(None, None, s))