.B selector -d -i -b -v <(history)
+For better efficiency, you can associate selector to a one key in the
+shell through the use of the readline configuration file. To do so,
+you have first to pick a key and check the character sequences
+associated to it.
+You can do that by typing at the console prompt Control-q followed by
+the key you want to use. For instance, if you want to use Alt-r, you
+may get ^[r. Then, you have to add in the readline configuration file
+~/.inputrc the following:
+"^[r": "^A^K selector -q -b -i -d -v -l 10000 <(history)^M"
+Note that you have to put the actual control characters in the
+configuration file, not a '^' followed by a character. To do so with
+Emacs for instance, you have to use the C-q key followed by another
+key: C-q C-a inserts "^A", C-q C-[ inserts "^[", etc.
+The control characters in this line are there to erase the current
+line before invoking the selector.
There are modeline display problems if the pattern is too