%% https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
%% Written by Francois Fleuret <francois@fleuret.org>
\setmuskip{\thickmuskip}{3.5mu} % by default it is equal to 5 mu
{\Large Some bits of Information Theory}
+Fran\c cois Fleuret
+January 19, 2024
Information Theory is awesome so here is a TL;DR about Shannon's entropy.
``information'' contained in a signal and how much can be transmitted
under certain conditions.
-What makes it awesome IMO is that it is very intuitive, and like
-thermodynamics in Physics, it gives exact bounds about what is possible
-or not.
+What makes it awesome is that it is very intuitive, and like
+thermodynamics in Physics, it gives exact bounds about what is
+possible or not.
\section{Shannon's Entropy}
are not all as probable, and decode on the other side.
For instance if $\proba('\!\!A')=1/2$, $\proba('\!\!B')=1/4$, and
-$\proba('\!\!C')=1/4$ you would transmit ``0'' for a ``A'' and ``10'' for a
-``B'' and ``11'' for a ``C'', 1.5 bits on average.
+$\proba('\!\!C')=1/4$ you would transmit ``$0$'' for a ``A'' and ``$10$'' for a
+``B'' and ``$11$'' for a ``C'', 1.5 bits on average.
If the symbol is always the same, you transmit nothing, if they are
equiprobable you need $\log_2$(nb symbols) etc.
Conditional entropy is the average of the entropy of the conditional distribution:
- & \entropy(X \mid Y) \\
- & = \sum_y \proba(Y=y) \entropy(X \mid Y=y) \\
- & = \sum_y \proba(Y=y) \sum_x \proba(X=x \mid Y=y) \log \proba(X=x \mid Y=y)
+\entropy(X \mid Y) = \sum_y \proba(Y=y) \entropy(X \mid Y=y)
+\entropy(X \mid Y=y) \hspace*{13.5em} \\
+ = \sum_x \proba(X=x \mid Y=y) \log \proba(X=x \mid Y=y)
Intuitively it is the [minimum average] number of bits required to describe $X$ given that $Y$ is known.
\entropy(X \mid Y)=0.
-And if you send the bits for $Y$ and then the bits to describe $X$ given
-that $Y$, you have sent $(X, Y)$. Hence we have the chain rule:
+And if you send the bits for $Y$ and then the bits to describe $X$
+given that $Y$, you have sent $(X, Y)$, hence the chain rule:
\entropy(X, Y) = \entropy(Y) + \entropy(X \mid Y).
And then we get
--- /dev/null
+%% -*- mode: latex; mode: reftex; mode: flyspell; coding: utf-8; tex-command: "pdflatex.sh" -*-
+%% Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+%% https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+%% Written by Francois Fleuret <francois@fleuret.org>
+\setmuskip{\thinmuskip}{1.5mu} % by default it is equal to 3 mu
+\setmuskip{\medmuskip}{2mu} % by default it is equal to 4 mu
+\setmuskip{\thickmuskip}{3.5mu} % by default it is equal to 5 mu
+{\Large On Random Variables}
+Fran\c cois Fleuret
+\underline{Random variables} are central to any model of a random
+process, but their mathematical definition is unclear to most. This is
+an attempt at giving an intuitive understanding of their definition
+and utility.
+\section{Modeling randomness}
+To formalize something ``random'', the natural strategy is to define a
+distribution, that is, in the finite case, a list of values /
+probabilities. For instance, the head / tail result of a coin flipping
+would be
+\{(H, 0.5), (T, 0.5)\}.
+This is perfectly fine, until you have several such objects. To model
+two coins $A$ and $B$, it seems intuitively okay: they have nothing to
+do with each other, they are ``independent'', so defining how they
+behave individually is sufficient.
+\section{Non-independent variables}
+The process to generate two random values can be such that they are
+related. Consider for instance that $A$ is the result of flipping a
+coin, and $B$ as *the inverse value of $A$*.
+Both $A$ and $B$ are legitimate RVs, a both have the same distribution
+(H, 0.5) (T, 0.5). So where is the information that they have a
+With models of the respective distributions of $A$ and $B$, this is
+nowhere. This can be fixed in some way by specifying the distribution
+of the pair $(A, B)$. That would be here
+\{(H/H, 0.0), (H/T, 0.5), (T/H, 0.5), (T/T, 0.0)\}.
+The distribution of $A$ and $B$ individually are called the
+\underline{marginal} distributions, and this is the \underline{joint}
+Note that the joint is a far richer object than the two marginals, and
+in general many different joints are consistent with given marginals.
+Here for instance, the marginals are the same as if $A$ and $B$ where
+two independent coins, even though they are not.
+Even though this could somehow work, the notion of a RV here is very
+unclear: it is not simply a distribution, and every time a new one is
+defined, it require the specification of the joint with all the
+variables already defined.
+\section{Random Variables}
+The actual definition of a RV is a bit technical. Intuitively, in some
+way, it consists of defining first ``the source of all randomness'',
+and then every RV is a deterministic function of it.
+Formally, it relies first on the definition of a set $\Omega$ such
+that its subsets can be measured, with all the desirable properties,
+such as $\mu(\Omega)=1, \mu(\emptyset)=0$ and $A \cap B = \emptyset
+\Rightarrow \mu(A \cup B) = \mu(A) + \mu(B)$.
+There is a technical point: for some $\Omega$ it may be impossible to
+define such a measure on all its subsets due to tricky
+infinity-related pathologies. So the set $\Sigma$ of
+\underline{measurable} subsets is explicitly specified and called a
+$\sigma$-algebra. In any practical situation this technicality does
+not matter, since $\Sigma$ contains anything needed.
+The triplet $(\Omega, \Sigma, \mu)$ is a \underline{measured set}.
+Given such a measured set, an \underline{random variable} $X$ is a
+mapping from $\Omega$ into another set, and the
+\underline{probability} that $X$ takes the value $x$ is the measure of
+the subset of $\Omega$ where $X$ takes the value $x$:
+P(X=x) = \mu(X^{-1}(x))
+You can imagine $\Omega$ as the square $[0,1]^2$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$
+with the usual geometrical area for $\mu$.
+For instance if the two coins $A$ and $B$ are flipped independently, we
+could picture possible random variables with the proper distribution
+as follows:
+\draw[pattern=north east lines] (0,0) rectangle ++(0.5,0.5);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle ++(1,0.5);
+\node at (2.5,0.2) {$A=\text{head}/\text{tail}$};
+\draw[fill=red!50] (4.5, 0) rectangle ++(0.5,0.5);
+\draw (4.5,0) rectangle ++(1,0.5);
+\node at (7.0,0.2) {$B=\text{head}/\text{tail}$};
+\draw[fill=red!50,draw=none] (0, 0) rectangle (2, 4);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 0) rectangle (4,2);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+%% \draw[draw=green,thick] (0,0) rectangle ++(2,2);
+%% \draw[draw=green,thick] (0.1,2.1) rectangle ++(1.8257,1.8257);
+%% \draw[draw=green,thick] (2.1,0.1) rectangle ++(0.8165,0.8165);
+\draw[fill=red!50,draw=none] (0, 0) rectangle ++(1, 4);
+\draw[fill=red!50,draw=none] (1.5, 0) rectangle ++(1, 4);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 0.25) rectangle ++(4,0.5);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 1.25) rectangle ++(4,0.5);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 2.) rectangle ++(4,0.5);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 2.5) rectangle ++(4,0.5);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[fill=red!50,draw=none] (0, 0) rectangle (2, 2);
+\draw[fill=red!50,draw=none] (0, 4)--(2,4)--(4,2)--(2,2)--cycle;
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0.5, 4)--(1.5,4)--(3.5,2)--(2.5,2)--cycle;
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (3, 3) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0,4)--(1,3)--(0,2)--cycle;
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (2.25,0) rectangle (3.25,2);
+\draw[draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 0) rectangle (2,1);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+And if $A$ is flipped and $B$ is the inverse of $A$, possible RV would
+%% \node at (3.2, 1) {Flip A and B = inverse(A)};
+\draw[pattern=north east lines] (0,0) rectangle ++(0.5,0.5);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle ++(1,0.5);
+\node at (2.5,0.2) {$A=\text{head}/\text{tail}$};
+\draw[fill=red!50] (4.5, 0) rectangle ++(0.5,0.5);
+\draw (4.5,0) rectangle ++(1,0.5);
+\node at (7.0,0.2) {$B=\text{head}/\text{tail}$};
+\draw[fill=red!50] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 0) rectangle (2,4);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[fill=red!50] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (1, 0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (3, 0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 1) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (2, 1) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 2) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (1, 3) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (2, 3) rectangle ++(1,1);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[fill=red!50] (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 0)--(1,1)--(3,1)--(3,4)--(0,1)--cycle;
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (0, 3) rectangle ++(2,1);
+\draw[preaction={fill=white},draw=none,pattern=north east lines] (3,0) rectangle ++(1,1);
+%% \draw (0,0) grid (4,4);
+\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
+%% Thanks to this definition, additional random variables can be defined
+%% with dependency structures. For instance, if $A$ and $B$ are two
+%% separate coin flipping, and then a third variable $C$ is defined by
+%% rolling a dice and taking the value of $A$ if it gives $1$ and the
+%% value of $B$ otherwise.