+ def vocabulary_size(self):
+ return self.nb_token_values
def grid2img(self, x, scale=15, grids=True):
m = torch.logical_and(x >= 0, x < self.nb_colors).long()
y = self.colors[x * m].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
-import ffutils
-import mygpt
-import sky, grids
+import ffutils, grids, attae
import threading, subprocess
log_string(f"main_device {main_device} gpus {[ str(g) for g in gpus]}")
-vocabulary_size = problem.nb_token_values
+vocabulary_size = problem.vocabulary_size()
log_string(f"vocabulary_size {vocabulary_size}")
-import attae
models = []
for i in range(args.nb_models):
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-# https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
-# Written by Francois Fleuret <francois@fleuret.org>
-# This is an implementation from scratch of a "GPT", that is a model
-# composed of several causal self-attention blocks. It is equipped
-# with a caching mechanism for keys and values to avoid a O(N^3) cost
-# for auto-regression.
-import math
-import torch
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-class BSQ(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, L):
- super().__init__()
- self.L = L
- def forward(self, input, indexes=False):
- norm = input.pow(2).sum(dim=2, keepdim=True).sqrt()
- u = input / norm
- if indexes:
- return ((u >= 0).long() * (2 ** torch.arange(self.L))[None, :]).sum(dim=1)
- hat_u = 1 / math.sqrt(self.L) * (2 * (u >= 0).float() - 1)
- if self.training:
- self.loss += u.mean(dim=0).tanh().pow(2).mean()
- return hat_u + u - u.detach()
- else:
- return hat_u
-class RandomBypass(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, m, p):
- super().__init__()
- self.m = m
- self.p = p
- def forward(self, x):
- y = self.m(x)
- if self.training:
- u = (torch.rand(x.size(0), device=x.device) <= self.p).long()[:, None]
- return (u * x.flatten(1) + (1 - u) * y.flatten(1)).reshape(x.size())
- else:
- return y
-# A BracketedSequence is a BxTx... tensor with a first and a nb time
-# steps to compute.
-# Modules able to process it expect that they will have to process a
-# first bracket starting at t=0, followed by a succession of brackets
-# that move forward in time, do not overlap, and cover the axis T with
-# no holes.
-# Although it is more general, for a classical prompt-conditioned
-# auto-regressive process it will be a first bracket starting at 0 and
-# of arbitrary length for the "prompt", followed by brackets of length
-# 1 for the successive tokens.
-# Modules able to process brackets may implement a cache that is
-# resetted when the input bracket starts at t=0
-class BracketedSequence:
- def __init__(self, x, first=None, nb=None):
- self.x = x
- self.first = 0 if first is None else first
- self.nb = x.size(1) if nb is None else nb
- def slice(self):
- return self.x[:, self.first : self.first + self.nb]
- def complete(self):
- return self.first == 0 and self.nb == self.x.size(1)
-class CacheWrapper(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, *f):
- super().__init__()
- self.f = f[0] if len(f) == 1 else nn.Sequential(*f)
- def forward(self, bs):
- if bs.first == 0:
- y = self.f(bs.slice())
- self.cache_y = y.new(*((y.size(0), bs.x.size(1)) + y.size()[2:]))
- self.cache_y[:, bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb] = y
- else:
- self.cache_y[:, bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb] = self.f(bs.slice())
- return BracketedSequence(self.cache_y, bs.first, bs.nb)
-class CachedWithResidual(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, *f):
- super().__init__()
- self.f = f[0] if len(f) == 1 else nn.Sequential(*f)
- def forward(self, bs):
- return BracketedSequence(bs.x + self.f(bs).x, bs.first, bs.nb)
-class CachedVaswaniPositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, len_max):
- super().__init__()
- self.len_max = len_max
- # [Vaswani et al 2018] PE_{t,2i} = sin(t/(L^{2i/D})), PE_{t,2i+1} = cos(t/(L^{2i/D}))
- def forward(self, bs):
- if bs.first == 0:
- t = torch.arange(bs.x.size(1), dtype=bs.x.dtype, device=bs.x.device)[
- :, None
- ]
- j = torch.arange(bs.x.size(2), dtype=bs.x.dtype, device=bs.x.device)[
- None, :
- ]
- k = j % 2
- self.pe = torch.sin(
- t / (self.len_max ** ((j - k) / bs.x.size(2))) + math.pi / 2 * k
- )
- self.cache_y = bs.x.new(bs.x.size())
- self.cache_y[:, bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb] = (
- bs.slice() + self.pe[bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb]
- )
- return BracketedSequence(self.cache_y, bs.first, bs.nb)
-class TrainablePositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, dim, len_max):
- super().__init__()
- self.len_max = len_max
- self.pe = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, len_max, dim) / math.sqrt(dim))
- def forward(self, bs):
- if bs.first == 0:
- self.cache_y = bs.x.new(bs.x.size())
- self.cache_y[:, bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb] = (
- bs.slice() + self.pe[:, bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb, :]
- )
- return BracketedSequence(self.cache_y, bs.first, bs.nb)
-class EncoderHead(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out):
- super().__init__()
- self.fc = nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_out)
- def forward(self, bs):
- z = self.fc(bs.x).mean(dim=1)
- return z, bs.x.shape
-class DecoderBottom(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, dim_in, dim_out):
- super().__init__()
- self.fc = nn.Linear(dim_in, dim_out)
- def forward(self, z_shape):
- z, shape = z_shape
- y = self.fc(z)[:, None, :].expand(shape)
- return BracketedSequence(y)
-class QKVAttention(nn.Module):
- def __init__(
- self,
- dim_in,
- dim_qk,
- dim_v,
- nb_heads=1,
- compute_attzero=None,
- attention_dropout=0.0,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- def randw(*d):
- return nn.Parameter(torch.randn(*d) / math.sqrt(d[-1]))
- self.compute_attzero = compute_attzero
- self.attention_dropout = attention_dropout
- self.record_attention = False
- self.w_q = randw(nb_heads, dim_qk, dim_in)
- self.w_k = randw(nb_heads, dim_qk, dim_in)
- self.w_v = randw(nb_heads, dim_v, dim_in)
- self.w_o = randw(dim_v * nb_heads, dim_in)
- def forward(self, bs_q, bs_kv=None):
- if bs_kv is None:
- bs_kv = bs_q
- x_q = bs_q.x
- x_kv = bs_kv.x
- if bs_kv.first == 0:
- self.cache_k = x_kv.new_zeros(
- x_kv.size(0), self.w_k.size(0), x_kv.size(1), self.w_k.size(1)
- )
- self.cache_v = x_kv.new_zeros(
- x_kv.size(0), self.w_v.size(0), x_kv.size(1), self.w_v.size(1)
- )
- if bs_q.first == 0:
- self.cache_y = x_q.new_zeros(x_q.size(0), x_q.size(1), self.w_o.size(1))
- q = torch.einsum(
- "ntc,hdc->nhtd", x_q[:, bs_q.first : bs_q.first + bs_q.nb], self.w_q
- )
- self.cache_k[:, :, bs_kv.first : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb] = torch.einsum(
- "ntc,hdc->nhtd", x_kv[:, bs_kv.first : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb], self.w_k
- )
- self.cache_v[:, :, bs_kv.first : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb] = torch.einsum(
- "ntc,hdc->nhtd", x_kv[:, bs_kv.first : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb], self.w_v
- )
- a = torch.einsum(
- "nhtd,nhsd->nhts", q, self.cache_k[:, :, : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb]
- ) / math.sqrt(self.w_q.size(1))
- if self.compute_attzero is not None:
- if bs_q.first == 0:
- self.cache_attzero = self.compute_attzero(
- torch.arange(x_q.size(1), device=q.device)[:, None],
- torch.arange(x_kv.size(1), device=q.device)[None, :],
- )[None, None, :, :]
- a = a.masked_fill(
- self.cache_attzero[
- :, :, bs_q.first : bs_q.first + bs_q.nb, : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb
- ],
- float("-inf"),
- )
- a = a.softmax(dim=3)
- if self.record_attention:
- self.a = a
- a = F.dropout(a, self.attention_dropout, self.training)
- y = torch.einsum(
- "nhts,nhsd->nthd", a, self.cache_v[:, :, : bs_kv.first + bs_kv.nb]
- ).flatten(2)
- self.cache_y[:, bs_q.first : bs_q.first + bs_q.nb] = y @ self.w_o
- return BracketedSequence(self.cache_y, bs_q.first, bs_q.nb)
-class NoiseInjector(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, identifier=None):
- super().__init__()
- self.noise_std = 0.0
- self.identifier = identifier
- def forward(self, x):
- if self.noise_std > 0:
- x = x * (
- 1 - 2 * (torch.rand(x.size(), device=x.device) < self.noise_std).long()
- )
- return x
-class BlockSummarizer(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, nb_blocks, nb_tokens, dim_keys, dim_model):
- self.nb_blocks = nb_blocks
- self.static_q = nn.Parameter(nb_blocks - 1, nb_tokens, dim_keys)
- def compute_block_attzero(t_q, t_k):
- block_size = t_q.size(0)
- return (t_q // block_size) <= (t_k // block_size)
- self.qkv = QKVAttention(
- dim_in=dim_model,
- dim_qk=dim_keys,
- dim_v=dim_model // nb_heads,
- nb_heads=nb_heads,
- compute_attzero=compute_attzero,
- attention_dropout=dropout,
- )
- def forward(self, bs):
- pass
-class ShiftByOne(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__()
- def forward(self, bs):
- return BracketedSequence(F.pad(bs.x, (1, -1)), bs.first, bs.nb)
-class MyGPT(nn.Module):
- def __init__(
- self,
- vocabulary_size,
- dim_model,
- dim_keys,
- dim_hidden,
- nb_heads,
- nb_blocks,
- compute_attzero=None,
- dropout=0.0,
- len_max=1e5,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- assert dim_model % nb_heads == 0
- self.temperature = 1.0
- self.shifter = ShiftByOne()
- self.embedding = nn.Sequential(
- CacheWrapper(nn.Embedding(vocabulary_size, dim_model), nn.Dropout(dropout)),
- )
- self.positional_encoding = CachedVaswaniPositionalEncoding(len_max)
- trunk_blocks = []
- for b in range(nb_blocks):
- trunk_blocks += [
- CachedWithResidual(
- CacheWrapper(
- nn.LayerNorm((dim_model,)),
- NoiseInjector(identifier=("attention", b)),
- ),
- QKVAttention(
- dim_in=dim_model,
- dim_qk=dim_keys,
- dim_v=dim_model // nb_heads,
- nb_heads=nb_heads,
- compute_attzero=compute_attzero,
- attention_dropout=dropout,
- ),
- ),
- CachedWithResidual(
- CacheWrapper(
- nn.LayerNorm((dim_model,)),
- NoiseInjector(identifier=("ffw", b)),
- nn.Linear(in_features=dim_model, out_features=dim_hidden),
- nn.ReLU(),
- nn.Linear(in_features=dim_hidden, out_features=dim_model),
- nn.Dropout(dropout),
- ),
- ),
- ]
- self.trunk = nn.Sequential(*trunk_blocks)
- self.readout = CacheWrapper(
- nn.Linear(in_features=dim_model, out_features=vocabulary_size)
- )
- with torch.no_grad():
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, nn.Embedding):
- m.weight.normal_(mean=0, std=2e-2)
- elif isinstance(m, nn.LayerNorm):
- m.bias.zero_()
- m.weight.fill_(1.0)
- def forward(self, bs):
- for m in self.modules():
- m.loss = 0
- bs = self.shifter(bs)
- bs = self.embedding(bs)
- bs = self.positional_encoding(bs)
- bs = self.trunk(bs)
- bs = self.readout(bs)
- bs.x[:, bs.first : bs.first + bs.nb] /= self.temperature
- for m in self.modules():
- self.loss += m.loss
- return bs
- def reset_transformations(self):
- self.temperature = 1.0
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, NoiseInjector):
- m.noise_std = 0.0
- def set_noise_injection(self, noise_std, identifier=None):
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, NoiseInjector):
- if identifier is None or identifier == m.identifier:
- m.noise_std = noise_std
- def record_attention(self, v=True):
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, QKVAttention):
- m.record_attention = v
- def retrieve_attention(self):
- a = []
- for m in self.modules():
- if isinstance(m, QKVAttention):
- a.append(m.a)
- return a
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- print("Basic check.")
- vocabulary_size = 3
- x = torch.randint(vocabulary_size, (1, 5))
- model = MyGPT(
- vocabulary_size=vocabulary_size,
- dim_model=4,
- dim_keys=2,
- dim_hidden=2,
- nb_heads=2,
- nb_blocks=2,
- dropout=0.1,
- )
- model.eval()
- y1 = model(BracketedSequence(x)).x
- y2 = torch.randn_like(y1)
- for s in range(x.size(1)):
- z = model(BracketedSequence(x, s, 1))
- y2[:, s] = z.slice()
- print(f"error={((y1 - y2).norm() / (y1.norm() + y2.norm())).item()}")
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-# https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
-# Written by Francois Fleuret <francois@fleuret.org>
-import math, sys, tqdm, os, warnings
-import torch, torchvision
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-import problem
-class Sky(problem.Problem):
- colors = torch.tensor(
- [
- [255, 255, 255],
- [255, 0, 0],
- [0, 192, 0],
- [0, 0, 255],
- [255, 192, 0],
- [0, 255, 255],
- [255, 0, 255],
- [192, 255, 192],
- [255, 192, 192],
- [192, 192, 255],
- [192, 192, 192],
- ]
- )
- token_background = 0
- first_bird_token = 1
- nb_bird_tokens = colors.size(0) - 1
- token2char = (
- "_" + "".join([chr(ord("A") + n) for n in range(len(colors) - 1)]) + "><"
- )
- def __init__(
- self,
- height=6,
- width=8,
- nb_birds=3,
- speed=2,
- nb_iterations=2,
- avoid_collision=True,
- max_nb_cached_chunks=None,
- chunk_size=None,
- nb_threads=-1,
- ):
- super().__init__(max_nb_cached_chunks, chunk_size, nb_threads)
- self.height = height
- self.width = width
- self.nb_birds = nb_birds
- self.speed = speed
- self.nb_iterations = nb_iterations
- self.avoid_collision = avoid_collision
- def generate_frame_sequences(self, nb):
- frame_sequences = []
- for _ in tqdm.tqdm(range(nb), dynamic_ncols=True, desc="world generation"):
- i, j, vi, vj = (
- torch.empty(self.nb_birds, dtype=torch.int64),
- torch.empty(self.nb_birds, dtype=torch.int64),
- torch.empty(self.nb_birds, dtype=torch.int64),
- torch.empty(self.nb_birds, dtype=torch.int64),
- )
- def collision_okay():
- if not self.avoid_collision:
- return True
- count = torch.zeros(self.height, self.width, dtype=torch.int64)
- for n in range(self.nb_birds):
- count[i[n], j[n]] += 1
- count[i[n] - vi[n], j[n]] += 1
- count[i[n], j[n] - vj[n]] += 1
- return count.max() <= 1
- col = (
- torch.randperm(self.colors.size(0) - 1)[: self.nb_birds].sort().values
- + 1
- )
- while True:
- while True:
- for n in range(self.nb_birds):
- while True:
- i[n] = torch.randint(self.height, (1,))
- j[n] = torch.randint(self.width, (1,))
- vm = torch.randint(4, (1,))
- vi[n], vj[n] = (vm % 2) * 2 - 1, (vm // 2) * 2 - 1
- if (
- i[n] - vi[n] >= 0
- and i[n] - vi[n] < self.height
- and j[n] - vj[n] >= 0
- and j[n] - vj[n] < self.width
- ):
- break
- if collision_okay():
- break
- result = torch.zeros(
- self.nb_iterations * self.speed,
- self.height,
- self.width,
- dtype=torch.int64,
- )
- fine = torch.empty(self.nb_iterations * self.speed)
- t_to_keep = (
- torch.arange(self.nb_iterations, device=result.device) * self.speed
- )
- for l in range(self.nb_iterations * self.speed):
- fine[l] = collision_okay()
- for n in range(self.nb_birds):
- c = col[n]
- result[l, i[n], j[n]] = c
- result[l, i[n] - vi[n], j[n]] = c
- result[l, i[n], j[n] - vj[n]] = c
- if (i[n] == 0 and vi[n] == -1) or (
- i[n] == self.height - 1 and vi[n] == 1
- ):
- vi[n] = -vi[n]
- if (j[n] == 0 and vj[n] == -1) or (
- j[n] == self.width - 1 and vj[n] == 1
- ):
- vj[n] = -vj[n]
- i[n] += vi[n]
- j[n] += vj[n]
- result = result[t_to_keep]
- fine = fine[t_to_keep]
- if fine[-1]:
- break
- frame_sequences.append(result)
- return frame_sequences
- ######################################################################
- def frame2img(self, x, scale=15):
- x = x.reshape(x.size(0), self.height, -1)
- m = torch.logical_and(
- x >= 0, x < self.first_bird_token + self.nb_bird_tokens
- ).long()
- x = self.colors[x * m].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
- s = x.shape
- x = x[:, :, :, None, :, None].expand(-1, -1, -1, scale, -1, scale)
- x = x.reshape(s[0], s[1], s[2] * scale, s[3] * scale)
- x[:, :, :, torch.arange(0, x.size(3), scale)] = 0
- x[:, :, torch.arange(0, x.size(2), scale), :] = 0
- x = x[:, :, 1:, 1:]
- for n in range(m.size(0)):
- for i in range(m.size(1)):
- for j in range(m.size(2)):
- if m[n, i, j] == 0:
- for k in range(2, scale - 2):
- for l in [0, 1]:
- x[n, :, i * scale + k, j * scale + k - l] = 0
- x[
- n, :, i * scale + scale - 1 - k, j * scale + k - l
- ] = 0
- return x
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- result = []
- for s in seq:
- result.append("".join([self.token2char[v] for v in s]))
- return result
- def save_image(
- self,
- result_dir,
- filename,
- prompts,
- answers,
- predicted_prompts=None,
- predicted_answers=None,
- ):
- if predicted_prompts is None:
- predicted_prompts = 255
- if predicted_answers is None:
- predicted_answers = 255
- def add_frame(x, c, margin, bottom=False):
- if bottom:
- h, w, di, dj = x.size(2) + margin, x.size(3), 0, 0
- else:
- h, w, di, dj = (
- x.size(2) + 2 * margin,
- x.size(3) + 2 * margin,
- margin,
- margin,
- )
- y = x.new_full((x.size(0), x.size(1), h, w), 0)
- if type(c) is int:
- y[...] = c
- else:
- c = c.long()[:, None]
- c = (
- (c == 1).long() * torch.tensor([0, 255, 0], device=c.device)
- + (c == 0).long() * torch.tensor([255, 255, 255], device=c.device)
- + (c == -1).long() * torch.tensor([255, 0, 0], device=c.device)
- )
- y[...] = c[:, :, None, None]
- y[:, :, di : di + x.size(2), dj : dj + x.size(3)] = x
- return y
- margin = 4
- img_prompts = add_frame(self.frame2img(prompts.to("cpu")), c=0, margin=1)
- h = img_prompts.size(2)
- img_answers = add_frame(self.frame2img(answers.to("cpu")), c=0, margin=1)
- img_prompts = add_frame(img_prompts, c=255, margin=margin, bottom=True)
- img_answers = add_frame(img_answers, c=255, margin=margin, bottom=True)
- img_prompts = add_frame(
- img_prompts, c=predicted_prompts, margin=margin, bottom=True
- )
- img_answers = add_frame(
- img_answers, c=predicted_answers, margin=margin, bottom=True
- )
- marker_size = 16
- separator = img_prompts.new_full(
- (
- img_prompts.size(0),
- img_prompts.size(1),
- img_prompts.size(2),
- marker_size,
- ),
- 255,
- )
- separator[:, :, 0] = 0
- separator[:, :, h - 1] = 0
- for k in range(1, 2 * marker_size - 8):
- i = k - (marker_size - 4)
- j = marker_size - 5 - abs(i)
- separator[:, :, h // 2 - 1 + i, 2 + j] = 0
- separator[:, :, h // 2 - 1 + i + 1, 2 + j] = 0
- img = torch.cat([img_prompts, separator, img_answers], dim=3)
- image_name = os.path.join(result_dir, filename)
- torchvision.utils.save_image(
- img.float() / 255.0, image_name, nrow=6, padding=margin * 4, pad_value=1.0
- )
- ######################################################################
- def nb_token_values(self):
- return len(self.colors)
- def generate_prompts_and_answers(self, nb):
- frame_sequences = self.generate_frame_sequences(nb)
- frame_sequences = torch.cat([x[None] for x in frame_sequences], dim=0)
- prompts = frame_sequences[:, : frame_sequences.size(1) // 2].flatten(1)
- answers = frame_sequences[:, frame_sequences.size(1) // 2 :].flatten(1)
- # warnings.warn("dirty test with longer answer", RuntimeWarning)
- # answers = torch.cat(
- # [
- # frame_sequences[:, frame_sequences.size(1) // 2 :],
- # frame_sequences[:, frame_sequences.size(1) // 2 :],
- # ],
- # dim=3,
- # ).flatten(1)
- return prompts, answers
- def save_quiz_illustrations(
- self,
- result_dir,
- filename_prefix,
- prompts,
- answers,
- predicted_prompts=None,
- predicted_answers=None,
- ):
- self.save_image(
- result_dir,
- filename_prefix + ".png",
- prompts,
- answers,
- predicted_prompts,
- predicted_answers,
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import time
- sky = Sky(height=6, width=8, speed=1, nb_iterations=4)
- prompts, answers = sky.generate_prompts_and_answers(4)
- predicted_prompts = torch.randint(3, (prompts.size(0),)) - 1
- predicted_answers = torch.randint(3, (prompts.size(0),)) - 1
- sky.save_quiz_illustrations(
- "/tmp", "test", prompts, answers, predicted_prompts, predicted_answers
- )
- # start_time = time.perf_counter()
- # token_sequences = sky.generate_token_sequences(nb=64)
- # delay = time.perf_counter() - start_time
- # print(f"{token_sequences.size(0)/delay:02f} seq/s")
- # print(sky.seq2str(seq[:4]))
- # for t in range(len(it[0])):
- # img = torch.cat([sky.frame2img(f[t]) for f in it], dim=0)
- # torchvision.utils.save_image(
- # img.float() / 255.0,
- # f"/tmp/frame_{t:03d}.png",
- # nrow=8,
- # padding=6,
- # pad_value=0,
- # )
- # m = (torch.rand(seq.size()) < 0.05).long()
- # seq = (1 - m) * seq + m * 23
- # print(seq.size())
- # img = sky.seq2img(token_sequences)
- # print(img.size())
- # torchvision.utils.save_image(
- # img.float() / 255.0, "/tmp/world.png", nrow=6, padding=6, pad_value=0
- # )
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-# https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
-# Written by Francois Fleuret <francois@fleuret.org>
-import math, sys, tqdm, os
-import torch, torchvision
-from torch import nn
-from torch.nn import functional as F
-import problem
-class Wireworld(problem.Problem):
- colors = torch.tensor(
- [
- [128, 128, 128],
- [128, 128, 255],
- [255, 0, 0],
- [255, 255, 0],
- ]
- )
- token_empty = 0
- token_head = 1
- token_tail = 2
- token_conductor = 3
- token_forward = 4
- token_backward = 5
- token2char = (
- "_" + "".join([chr(ord("A") + n) for n in range(len(colors) - 1)]) + "><"
- )
- def __init__(
- self, height=6, width=8, nb_objects=2, nb_walls=2, speed=1, nb_iterations=4
- ):
- self.height = height
- self.width = width
- self.nb_objects = nb_objects
- self.nb_walls = nb_walls
- self.speed = speed
- self.nb_iterations = nb_iterations
- def direction_tokens(self):
- return self.token_forward, self.token_backward
- def generate_frame_sequences(self, nb):
- result = []
- N = 100
- for _ in tqdm.tqdm(
- range(0, nb + N, N), dynamic_ncols=True, desc="world generation"
- ):
- result.append(self.generate_frame_sequences_hard(100))
- return torch.cat(result, dim=0)[:nb]
- def generate_frame_sequences_hard(self, nb):
- frame_sequences = []
- nb_frames = (self.nb_iterations - 1) * self.speed + 1
- result = torch.full(
- (nb * 4, nb_frames, self.height, self.width),
- self.token_empty,
- )
- for n in range(result.size(0)):
- while True:
- i = torch.randint(self.height, (1,))
- j = torch.randint(self.width, (1,))
- v = torch.randint(2, (2,))
- vi = v[0] * (v[1] * 2 - 1)
- vj = (1 - v[0]) * (v[1] * 2 - 1)
- while True:
- if i < 0 or i >= self.height or j < 0 or j >= self.width:
- break
- o = 0
- if i > 0:
- o += (result[n, 0, i - 1, j] == self.token_conductor).long()
- if i < self.height - 1:
- o += (result[n, 0, i + 1, j] == self.token_conductor).long()
- if j > 0:
- o += (result[n, 0, i, j - 1] == self.token_conductor).long()
- if j < self.width - 1:
- o += (result[n, 0, i, j + 1] == self.token_conductor).long()
- if o > 1:
- break
- result[n, 0, i, j] = self.token_conductor
- i += vi
- j += vj
- if (
- result[n, 0] == self.token_conductor
- ).long().sum() > self.width and torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
- break
- while True:
- for _ in range(self.height * self.width):
- i = torch.randint(self.height, (1,))
- j = torch.randint(self.width, (1,))
- v = torch.randint(2, (2,))
- vi = v[0] * (v[1] * 2 - 1)
- vj = (1 - v[0]) * (v[1] * 2 - 1)
- if (
- i + vi >= 0
- and i + vi < self.height
- and j + vj >= 0
- and j + vj < self.width
- and result[n, 0, i, j] == self.token_conductor
- and result[n, 0, i + vi, j + vj] == self.token_conductor
- ):
- result[n, 0, i, j] = self.token_head
- result[n, 0, i + vi, j + vj] = self.token_tail
- break
- # if torch.rand(1) < 0.75:
- break
- weight = torch.full((1, 1, 3, 3), 1.0)
- mask = (torch.rand(result[:, 0].size()) < 0.01).long()
- rand = torch.randint(4, mask.size())
- result[:, 0] = mask * rand + (1 - mask) * result[:, 0]
- # empty->empty
- # head->tail
- # tail->conductor
- # conductor->head if 1 or 2 head in the neighborhood, or remains conductor
- nb_heads = (result[:, 0] == self.token_head).flatten(1).long().sum(dim=1)
- valid = nb_heads > 0
- for l in range(nb_frames - 1):
- nb_head_neighbors = (
- F.conv2d(
- input=(result[:, l] == self.token_head).float()[:, None, :, :],
- weight=weight,
- padding=1,
- )
- .long()
- .squeeze(1)
- )
- mask_1_or_2_heads = (nb_head_neighbors == 1).long() + (
- nb_head_neighbors == 2
- ).long()
- result[:, l + 1] = (
- (result[:, l] == self.token_empty).long() * self.token_empty
- + (result[:, l] == self.token_head).long() * self.token_tail
- + (result[:, l] == self.token_tail).long() * self.token_conductor
- + (result[:, l] == self.token_conductor).long()
- * (
- mask_1_or_2_heads * self.token_head
- + (1 - mask_1_or_2_heads) * self.token_conductor
- )
- )
- pred_nb_heads = nb_heads
- nb_heads = (
- (result[:, l + 1] == self.token_head).flatten(1).long().sum(dim=1)
- )
- valid = torch.logical_and(valid, (nb_heads >= pred_nb_heads))
- result = result[valid]
- result = result[
- :, torch.arange(self.nb_iterations, device=result.device) * self.speed
- ]
- i = (result[:, -1] == self.token_head).flatten(1).max(dim=1).values > 0
- result = result[i]
- # print(f"{result.size(0)=} {nb=}")
- if result.size(0) < nb:
- # print(result.size(0))
- result = torch.cat(
- [result, self.generate_frame_sequences(nb - result.size(0))], dim=0
- )
- return result[:nb]
- def generate_token_sequences(self, nb):
- frame_sequences = self.generate_frame_sequences(nb)
- result = []
- for frame_sequence in frame_sequences:
- a = []
- if torch.rand(1) < 0.5:
- for frame in frame_sequence:
- if len(a) > 0:
- a.append(torch.tensor([self.token_forward]))
- a.append(frame.flatten())
- else:
- for frame in reversed(frame_sequence):
- if len(a) > 0:
- a.append(torch.tensor([self.token_backward]))
- a.append(frame.flatten())
- result.append(torch.cat(a, dim=0)[None, :])
- return torch.cat(result, dim=0)
- ######################################################################
- def frame2img(self, x, scale=15):
- x = x.reshape(-1, self.height, self.width)
- m = torch.logical_and(x >= 0, x < 4).long()
- x = self.colors[x * m].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
- s = x.shape
- x = x[:, :, :, None, :, None].expand(-1, -1, -1, scale, -1, scale)
- x = x.reshape(s[0], s[1], s[2] * scale, s[3] * scale)
- x[:, :, :, torch.arange(0, x.size(3), scale)] = 0
- x[:, :, torch.arange(0, x.size(2), scale), :] = 0
- x = x[:, :, 1:, 1:]
- for n in range(m.size(0)):
- for i in range(m.size(1)):
- for j in range(m.size(2)):
- if m[n, i, j] == 0:
- for k in range(2, scale - 2):
- for l in [0, 1]:
- x[n, :, i * scale + k, j * scale + k - l] = 0
- x[
- n, :, i * scale + scale - 1 - k, j * scale + k - l
- ] = 0
- return x
- def seq2img(self, seq, scale=15):
- all = [
- self.frame2img(
- seq[:, : self.height * self.width].reshape(-1, self.height, self.width),
- scale,
- )
- ]
- separator = torch.full((seq.size(0), 3, self.height * scale - 1, 1), 0)
- t = self.height * self.width
- while t < seq.size(1):
- direction_tokens = seq[:, t]
- t += 1
- direction_images = self.colors[
- torch.full(
- (direction_tokens.size(0), self.height * scale - 1, scale), 0
- )
- ].permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
- for n in range(direction_tokens.size(0)):
- if direction_tokens[n] == self.token_forward:
- for k in range(scale):
- for l in [0, 1]:
- direction_images[
- n,
- :,
- (self.height * scale) // 2 - scale // 2 + k - l,
- 3 + scale // 2 - abs(k - scale // 2),
- ] = 0
- elif direction_tokens[n] == self.token_backward:
- for k in range(scale):
- for l in [0, 1]:
- direction_images[
- n,
- :,
- (self.height * scale) // 2 - scale // 2 + k - l,
- 3 + abs(k - scale // 2),
- ] = 0
- else:
- for k in range(2, scale - 2):
- for l in [0, 1]:
- direction_images[
- n,
- :,
- (self.height * scale) // 2 - scale // 2 + k - l,
- k,
- ] = 0
- direction_images[
- n,
- :,
- (self.height * scale) // 2 - scale // 2 + k - l,
- scale - 1 - k,
- ] = 0
- all += [
- separator,
- direction_images,
- separator,
- self.frame2img(
- seq[:, t : t + self.height * self.width].reshape(
- -1, self.height, self.width
- ),
- scale,
- ),
- ]
- t += self.height * self.width
- return torch.cat(all, dim=3)
- def seq2str(self, seq):
- result = []
- for s in seq:
- result.append("".join([self.token2char[v] for v in s]))
- return result
- def save_image(self, input, result_dir, filename):
- img = self.seq2img(input.to("cpu"))
- image_name = os.path.join(result_dir, filename)
- torchvision.utils.save_image(img.float() / 255.0, image_name, nrow=6, padding=4)
- def save_quizzes(self, input, result_dir, filename_prefix):
- self.save_image(input, result_dir, filename_prefix + ".png")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import time
- wireworld = Wireworld(height=8, width=10, nb_iterations=5, speed=1)
- start_time = time.perf_counter()
- frame_sequences = wireworld.generate_frame_sequences(nb=96)
- delay = time.perf_counter() - start_time
- print(f"{frame_sequences.size(0)/delay:02f} seq/s")
- # print(wireworld.seq2str(seq[:4]))
- for t in range(frame_sequences.size(1)):
- img = wireworld.seq2img(frame_sequences[:, t])
- torchvision.utils.save_image(
- img.float() / 255.0,
- f"/tmp/frame_{t:03d}.png",
- nrow=8,
- padding=6,
- pad_value=0,
- )
- # m = (torch.rand(seq.size()) < 0.05).long()
- # seq = (1 - m) * seq + m * 23
- wireworld = Wireworld(height=8, width=10, nb_iterations=2, speed=5)
- token_sequences = wireworld.generate_token_sequences(32)
- wireworld.save_quizzes(token_sequences, "/tmp", "seq")
- # img = wireworld.seq2img(frame_sequences[:60])
- # torchvision.utils.save_image(
- # img.float() / 255.0, "/tmp/world.png", nrow=6, padding=10, pad_value=0.1
- # )