+nb_state_codes = 4
+nb_rewards_codes = 3
+nb_actions_codes = 5
-def generate_sequence(nb, height=6, width=6, T=10):
+first_state_code = 0
+first_rewards_code = first_state_code + nb_state_codes
+first_actions_code = first_rewards_code + nb_rewards_codes
+nb_codes = first_actions_code + nb_actions_codes
+def generate_episodes(nb, height=6, width=6, T=10):
rnd = torch.rand(nb, height, width)
rnd[:, 0, :] = 0
rnd[:, -1, :] = 0
rnd = rnd * (1 - wall.clamp(max=1))
- seq = wall[:, None, :, :].expand(-1, T, -1, -1).clone()
+ states = wall[:, None, :, :].expand(-1, T, -1, -1).clone()
- agent = torch.zeros(seq.size(), dtype=torch.int64)
+ agent = torch.zeros(states.size(), dtype=torch.int64)
agent[:, 0, 0, 0] = 1
agent_actions = torch.randint(5, (nb, T))
rewards = torch.zeros(nb, T, dtype=torch.int64)
- monster = torch.zeros(seq.size(), dtype=torch.int64)
+ monster = torch.zeros(states.size(), dtype=torch.int64)
monster[:, 0, -1, -1] = 1
monster_actions = torch.randint(5, (nb, T))
assert hit.min() == 0 and hit.max() <= 1
- rewards[:, t] = -hit + (1 - hit) * agent[:, t + 1, -1, -1]
+ rewards[:, t + 1] = -hit + (1 - hit) * agent[:, t + 1, -1, -1]
- seq += 2 * agent + 3 * monster
+ states += 2 * agent + 3 * monster
- return seq, agent_actions, rewards
+ return states, agent_actions, rewards
-def seq2str(seq, actions, rewards):
- # symbols=" #@$"
- # vert, hori, cross, thin_hori = "|", "-", "+", "-"
+def episodes2seq(states, actions, rewards):
+ states = states.flatten(2) + first_state_code
+ actions = actions[:, :, None] + first_actions_code
+ rewards = (rewards[:, :, None] + 1) + first_rewards_code
+ assert (
+ states.min() >= first_state_code
+ and states.max() < first_state_code + nb_state_codes
+ )
+ assert (
+ actions.min() >= first_actions_code
+ and actions.max() < first_actions_code + nb_actions_codes
+ )
+ assert (
+ rewards.min() >= first_rewards_code
+ and rewards.max() < first_rewards_code + nb_rewards_codes
+ )
+ return torch.cat([states, actions, rewards], dim=2).flatten(1)
- symbols = " █@$"
- vert, hori, cross, thin_hori = "║", "═", "╬", "─"
- vert, hori, cross, thin_hori = "┃", "━", "╋", "─"
+def seq2episodes(seq, height, width):
+ seq = seq.reshape(seq.size(0), -1, height * width + 2)
+ states = seq[:, :, : height * width] - first_state_code
+ states = states.reshape(states.size(0), states.size(1), height, width)
+ actions = seq[:, :, height * width] - first_actions_code
+ rewards = seq[:, :, height * width + 1] - first_rewards_code - 1
+ return states, actions, rewards
- # hline = ("+" + "-" * seq.size(-1)) * seq.size(1) + "+" + "\n"
- hline = (cross + hori * seq.size(-1)) * seq.size(1) + cross + "\n"
+def episodes2str(states, actions, rewards, unicode=False, ansi_colors=False):
+ if unicode:
+ symbols = " █@$"
+ # vert, hori, cross, thin_hori = "║", "═", "╬", "─"
+ vert, hori, cross, thin_hori = "┃", "━", "╋", "─"
+ else:
+ symbols = " #@$"
+ vert, hori, cross, thin_hori = "|", "-", "+", "-"
+ hline = (cross + hori * states.size(-1)) * states.size(1) + cross + "\n"
result = hline
- for n in range(seq.size(0)):
- for i in range(seq.size(2)):
+ for n in range(states.size(0)):
+ for i in range(states.size(2)):
result += (
+ vert.join(
- ["".join([symbols[v.item()] for v in row]) for row in seq[n, :, i]]
+ [
+ "".join([symbols[v.item()] for v in row])
+ for row in states[n, :, i]
+ ]
+ vert
+ "\n"
- # result += hline
- result += (vert + thin_hori * seq.size(-1)) * seq.size(1) + vert + "\n"
+ result += (vert + thin_hori * states.size(-1)) * states.size(1) + vert + "\n"
def status_bar(a, r):
- a = "INESW"[a.item()]
- r = f"{r.item()}"
- return a + " " * (seq.size(-1) - len(a) - len(r)) + r
+ a = "ISNEW"[a.item()]
+ r = "" if r == 0 else f"{r.item()}"
+ return a + " " * (states.size(-1) - len(a) - len(r)) + r
result += (
result += hline
+ if ansi_colors:
+ for u, c in [("$", 31), ("@", 32)]:
+ result = result.replace(u, f"\u001b[{c}m{u}\u001b[0m")
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
- seq, actions, rewards = generate_sequence(10, 4, 6, T=20)
- print(seq2str(seq, actions, rewards))
+ height, width, T = 4, 6, 20
+ states, actions, rewards = generate_episodes(3, height, width, T)
+ seq = episodes2seq(states, actions, rewards)
+ s, a, r = seq2episodes(seq, height, width)
+ print(episodes2str(s, a, r, unicode=True, ansi_colors=True))