q_p, q_g = quizzes.to(local_device).chunk(2)
- # Half of the samples train the prediction, and we inject noise in
- # all, and hints in half
+ # Half of the samples train the prediction. We inject noise in all
+ # to avoid drift of the culture toward "finding waldo" type of
+ # complexity, and hints in half to allow dealing with hints when
+ # validating c quizzes
b_p = samples_for_prediction_imt(q_p)
b_p = add_noise_imt(b_p)
half = torch.rand(b_p.size(0)) < 0.5
def generate_c_quizzes(models, nb_to_generate, local_device=main_device):
record = []
- nb_validated = 0
+ nb_generated, nb_validated = 0, 0
start_time = time.perf_counter()
last_log = -1
model=model, nb=args.eval_batch_size * 10, local_device=local_device
+ nb_generated += c_quizzes.size(0)
c_quizzes = c_quizzes[identity_quizzes(c_quizzes) == False]
if c_quizzes.size(0) > 0:
- # Select the ones that are solved properly by some models and
- # not understood by others
+ # Select the ones that are solved properly by some models
+ # and not understood by others. We add "hints" to allow
+ # the current models to deal with functionally more
+ # complex quizzes than the ones they have been trained on
nb_correct, nb_wrong = evaluate_quizzes(
duration = time.perf_counter() - start_time
log_string(f"generate_c_quizz_speed {int(3600 * nb_validated / duration)}/h")
+ log_string(
+ f"validation_rate {nb_validated} / {nb_generated} ({nb_validated*100/nb_generated:.02e}%)"
+ )
return torch.cat(record).to("cpu")
train_c_quizzes = train_c_quizzes[-args.nb_train_samples :]
+ # The c quizzes used to estimate the test accuracy have to be
+ # solvable without hints
nb_correct, _ = evaluate_quizzes(