common to both DIR1 and DIR2, or with the `not:' prefix, the ones
present in DIR1 and not in DIR2.
+When looking for identical files,
+.B finddup
+by default associates a group ID to every content, and prints it along
+the file names.
do not show which files from DIR2 corresponds to files from DIR1
-do not show the file group IDs (one group for each content)
+do not show the file group IDs
show progress information in stderr
None known, probably many. Valgrind does not complain though.
-While not a bug per se, the format of the output should definitely be
-improved. Not clear how.
+The format of the output should definitely be improved. Not clear how.
+The comparison algorithm could definitely use some MD5 kind of
+signature. I doubt it would really speed up a lot.
+Their should be some fancy option to run two instances of the command
+on different machines so that comparison could be done without disk
+access where the disk are physically.
.B finddup -cg blah something
List files found in
.B ./blah/
-which have a matching file with exact same content in
+which have a matching file with same content in
.B ./something/
without the group IDs
-.B finddup ./sources not:./backup
+.B finddup sources not:/mnt/backup
List all files found in
.B ./sources/
which do not have content-matching equivalent in
-.B ./backup.sources
+.B /mnt/backup
-.B finddup ./tralala ./cuicui | sort -n
+.B finddup tralala cuicui
List groups of files with same content which exist both in