--problem_number=${problem_number} \
--nb_train_samples=${nb_samples_for_training} \
--result_path=${result_dir} \
- randomize-train adaboost compute-train-error compute-test-error
+ --progress_bar=no \
+ randomize-train adaboost compute-train-error compute-test-error | tee ${result_dir}/log
* svrt is the ``Synthetic Visual Reasoning Test'', an image
* generator for evaluating classification performance of machine
* learning systems, humans and primates.
for(int c = 1; c < new_argc; c++) {
if(strcmp(new_argv[c], "randomize-train") == 0) {
+ cout << "Generating the training set." << endl;
for(int n = 0; n < global.nb_train_samples; n++) {
- if(n > 0 && n%100 == 0) cout << "*"; cout.flush();
- // cout << "n = " << n << endl;
train_labels[n] = int(drand48() * 2);
generator->generate(train_labels[n], &train_samples[n]);
- cout << endl;
else if(strcmp(new_argv[c], "adaboost") == 0) {