.B selector -d -i -b -v <(history)
-For better efficiency, you can associate selector to a single key in
-in the console through the use of the readline configuration file
+You can associate selector to a single key in bash by using the
+command 'bind' in your bash initialization file. For instance, to
+associate it to M-r (that is, the "Alt" and "r" key pressed together),
+just add something like
-To do so, you have first to pick a key and know the character sequence
-associated to it. You can figure that out by typing at the console
-prompt Ctrl-q followed by the key you want to use. For instance, if
-you want to use Alt-r, you may get "^[r". Then, you have to add in
-~/.inputrc the following line:
+bind '"\\C-[r":"\\C-a\\C-kselector -d -i -b -v <(history)\\C-m"'
-"^[r": "^A^K selector -d -i -b -v <(history)^M"
+in your ~/.bashrc.
-Note that you have to put the actual control characters in the
-configuration file, not a "^" followed by a character. To do so with
-Emacs for instance, you have to use the Ctrl-q key followed by another
-key: Ctrl-q Ctrl-a inserts "^A", Ctrl-q Ctrl-[ inserts "^[", etc.
+Note that depending on the configuration of your system, the sequence
+associated to the M-r key, which is here "C-[r", may differ. To figure
+it out, simply press C-q followed by M-r in the console.
-These control characters have the following roles: "^A" puts the
-cursor to the mostleft location, "^K" erases the current content of
-the readline buffer, and "^M" simulates the enter key.
+The control character "C-a" puts the cursor to the mostleft location,
+"C-k" erases the current content of the readline buffer, and "C-m"
+simulates the enter key.