--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+# https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+# Written by Francois Fleuret <francois@fleuret.org>
+import re, torch
+def eingather(op, src, index):
+ s_src, s_dst = re.search("^([^ ]*) *-> *(.*)", op).groups()
+ s_index = re.search("\(([^)]*)\)", s_src).group(1)
+ s_src = re.sub("\([^)]*\)", "_", s_src)
+ shape = tuple(src.size(s_src.index(v)) for v in s_dst)
+ idx = []
+ for i in range(index.dim()):
+ v = s_index[i]
+ j = s_dst.index(v)
+ a = (
+ torch.arange(index.size(i))
+ .reshape((1,) * j + (-1,) + (1,) * (len(s_dst) - j - 1))
+ .expand(shape)
+ )
+ idx.append(a)
+ index = index[idx]
+ idx = []
+ for i in range(src.dim()):
+ v = s_src[i]
+ if v == "_":
+ idx.append(index)
+ else:
+ j = s_dst.index(v)
+ a = (
+ torch.arange(src.size(i))
+ .reshape((1,) * j + (-1,) + (1,) * (len(s_dst) - j - 1))
+ .expand(shape)
+ )
+ idx.append(a)
+ return src[idx]
+src = torch.rand(3, 5, 7, 11)
+index = torch.randint(src.size(2), (src.size(3), src.size(1), src.size(3)))
+# I want result[a,c,e]=src[c,a,index[e,a,e],e]
+result = eingather("ca(eae)e -> ace", src, index)
+# Check
+error = 0
+for a in range(result.size(0)):
+ for c in range(result.size(1)):
+ for e in range(result.size(2)):
+ error += (result[a, c, e] - src[c, a, index[e, a, e], e]).abs()