# -*-Shell-script-*- ######################################################################### # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the version 3 of the GNU General Public License # # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # # General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # Written by and Copyright (C) Francois Fleuret # # Contact for comments & bug reports # ######################################################################### # The site-specific and confidential settings are in another file PRIVATE_BASHRC="${HOME}/private/bashrc.perso" # If the MANPATH is not set, set it [[ "${MANPATH}" ]] || MANPATH=$(manpath) # If the private bashrc exists, execute it [[ -f "${PRIVATE_BASHRC}" ]] && source "${PRIVATE_BASHRC}" # !!! THIS HAS TO BE HERE EVEN IN THE NON-INTERACTIVE PART OR YOU WILL # LOSE YOU PREVIOUS HISTORY !!! export HISTFILESIZE=20000 export HISTSIZE=${HISTFILESIZE} export HISTIGNORE="${HISTIGNORE}:&:[ ]*" # I want to save the command time, but I do not want to see it in # history export HISTTIMEFORMAT="" shopt -s histappend # I realized that most of my settings are meaningful only in # interactive mode. This should maybe be done more properly through # using different .bash_profile and .bash_login [ ${TERM} == "dumb" ] || [[ ! -t 0 ]] && return # Remove the annoying beeps in console # setterm -blength 0 # || setterm --blength 0 # Seriously? ###################################################################### ## The interactive part export VT_RESET=$'\e[0m' export VT_BOLD=$'\e[1m' export VT_UNDERLINE=$'\e[4m' export VT_BLINK=$'\e[5m' export VT_SET_TITLE=$'\e]0;' export VT_END_TITLE=$'\007' export VT_BLACK_FG=$'\e[30m' export VT_RED_FG=$'\e[31m' export VT_GREEN_FG=$'\e[32m' export VT_YELLOW_FG=$'\e[33m' export VT_BLUE_FG=$'\e[34m' export VT_MAGENTA_FG=$'\e[35m' export VT_CYAN_FG=$'\e[36m' export VT_WHITE_FG=$'\e[37m' export VT_BLACK_BG=$'\e[40m' export VT_RED_BG=$'\e[41m' export VT_GREEN_BG=$'\e[42m' export VT_YELLOW_BG=$'\e[43m' export VT_BLUE_BG=$'\e[44m' export VT_MAGENTA_BG=$'\e[45m' export VT_CYAN_BG=$'\e[46m' export VT_WHITE_BG=$'\e[47m' # Colorize man pages! export LESS_TERMCAP_us=${VT_GREEN_FG} export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=${VT_RESET} export LESS_TERMCAP_md=${VT_BLUE_FG}${VT_BOLD} export LESS_TERMCAP_me=${VT_RESET} # I do not like to clutter my home with history files export LESSHISTFILE=/dev/null # export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[1;34;40m' # This prevents ^S from freezing the shell # stty -ixon ulimit -c unlimited alias ..='cd ..' alias -- -='cd -' alias rm='rm -v -i' alias mv='mv -v -i' alias chmod='chmod -c' alias cp='cp -v -i' alias rd=rmdir alias md='mkdir -pv' alias ps='ps uxaf' alias df='df -hT' # alias df='df -hT --sync' alias grep='grep -i -E --color=auto' alias find='ionice -c3 find' alias pd=pushd alias val='valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --db-attach=yes ' alias s='screen -d -R -U && clear' alias p='feh --force-aliasing -d --full-screen --auto-zoom' function nh () { export HISTFILE=/dev/null unalias cd } function select-tz () { # Select a value for TZ TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/select-tz.XXXXXX) selector -o "${TMP}" <(grep -v ^# /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | awk '{print $3}' | sort -u) cat "${TMP}" \rm -f "${TMP}" } function ding () { if [[ $1 ]] && which winshepherd.sh; then play -q ~/local/sounds/deskbell.wav & unset E_APP_WINDOW winshepherd.sh message green "$1" else play -q ~/local/sounds/deskbell.wav fi } alias impressive="impressive -s -D 1000 -t Crossfade -T 100" if [[ -e "${HOME}/.dircolors" ]]; then eval $(dircolors "${HOME}/.dircolors") alias ls='ls -p --group-directories-first --color' alias lt='ls -p --color -gohtr --time-style="+%Y %b %d %H:%M"' alias ll='ls -p --color -goh --time-style="+%Y %b %d %H:%M"' alias lll='ls -p --color -lth' alias l='ls -p --color -I "*~" -I "*.o"' alias less='less -R' else alias ls='ls -p --group-directories-first' alias lt='ls -p -gohtr --time-style="+%Y %b %d %H:%M"' alias ll='ls -p -goh --time-style="+%Y %b %d %H:%M"' alias lll='ls -p -lth' alias l='ls -p -I "*~" -I "*.o"' fi export EDITOR=emacsclient export GIT_EDITOR=${EDITOR} ###################################################################### # Ignored extensions when completing # export FIGNORE="CVS" function latexdiff () { wdiff -n \ -w $'\033[30;41m' -x $'\033[0m' \ -y $'\033[30;42m' -z $'\033[0m' \ "$@" } # Looks for the most recent .log and pdflatex + bibtex the # corresponding tex file function rl () { # RECENT_LOG=$(ls -t $(find -maxdepth 1 -name "*.log" -type f) | head -1) RECENT_LOG=$(ls -t *.log | head -1) if [[ ${RECENT_LOG} ]]; then FILEBASE="${RECENT_LOG/.log/}" if [[ -f "${FILEBASE}.tex" ]]; then pdflatex "${FILEBASE}" bibtex "${FILEBASE}" pdflatex "${FILEBASE}" pdflatex "${FILEBASE}" if [[ "$1" ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "-v" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--view" ]]; then xpdf "${FILEBASE}.pdf" elif [[ "$1" == "-p" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--print" ]]; then lpr "${FILEBASE}.pdf" else echo "Usage: rl [-v|--view] [-p|--print]" >&2 echo "Unknown option $1" >&2 return 1 fi fi else echo "Can not find a tex file corresponding to the most recent log (${RECENT_LOG/.log/})." >&2 return 1 fi else echo "Can not find a recent log." >&2 return 1 fi } ###################################################################### # Functions # http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2cgu5k/a_handy_little_script_for_interacting_with_your/ function clip () { if [[ -t 0 ]] && [[ -z "$1" ]]; then # output contents of clipboard xclip -out -selection clipboard || exit 1 elif [[ "$1" ]]; then # copy file contents to clipboard xclip -in -selection clipboard < "$1" || exit 1 else # copy stdin to clipboard xclip -in -selection clipboard <&0 || exit 1 fi } # Find a file whose name contains a substring function fn () { name=$1 shift find "$@" -name "*${name}*"; } function bak () { while [[ "$1" ]]; do cp "$1" "$1".bak shift done } function scan () { n=1 while [[ -f "${HOME}/scan-${n}.jpg" ]]; do n=$((n+1)) done while [[ "$1" ]]; do if [[ "$1" == "color" ]]; then OPTS+=" --mode Color" elif [[ "$1" == "gray" ]]; then OPTS+=" --mode Gray" elif [[ "$1" == "a4crop" ]]; then OPTS+=" -l 5 -t 0 -x 200 -y 290" else echo "Unknown argument \`$1'" fi shift done echo "**" echo "** Scanning to ${HOME}/scan-${n}.jpg" echo "**" SCANNER=$(scanimage -L | grep "Canon LiDE 60" | sed -e "s/^.*\`\(.*\)'.*$/\1/") scanimage -d ${SCANNER} \ --format=pnm \ --mode=color \ --depth=8 \ -v \ --resolution=300 \ ${OPTS} | \ convert -rotate 180 - "${HOME}/scan-${n}.jpg" echo "** Done". } # A password generator function genpw () { tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 < /dev/urandom | head -c16 # tr -dc [:graph:] < /dev/urandom | head -c16 echo } function ua () { [[ "$1" ]] || ( echo "Universal unarchive: ua [ ...]" >&2 && return 1) while [[ "$1" ]]; do case "$1" in *.tgz|*.tar.gz|*.tbz|*.tar.bz2) tar xvf "$1" ;; *.rar) unrar -kb x "$1" ;; *.zip) unzip "$1" ;; *) echo "Unknown file extension $1" ;; esac shift done } # Create a dir and cd there function mcd () { mkdir -vp "$1" cd "$1" } # Capture the screen in a dated png function cap () { if [[ $2 ]]; then name=$2 else name="capture-$(date +%s).png" fi echo "Waiting $1 s and saving to ${name}." [[ "$1" ]] && sleep "$1" echo "Please click on the window to capture." xwd | convert - ${name} \ls -l ${name} } # Create and CD in a /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX directory. With the '-' # arguments, do not create one and CD in the most recent instead function cdt () { if [[ "$1" ]]; then if [[ "$1" == "-" ]]; then cd $(\ls -td /tmp/tmp.?????? | head -1) else echo "USAGE: cdt [-]" >&2 return 1 fi else dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX) link=/tmp/tmp if [[ -h ${link} ]]; then \rm ${link} fi if [[ ! -a ${link} ]]; then ln -s ${dir} ${link} fi cd ${dir} fi } alias t='cd /tmp' alias a='cd /tmp/at' function trash () { TRASH=$(date +/tmp/trash-${USER}-%Y-%b-%d-%Hh) LINK=/tmp/trash mkdir -p ${TRASH} [[ -h ${LINK} ]] && \rm ${LINK} [[ ! -f ${LINK} ]] && ln -s ${TRASH} ${LINK} mv "$@" ${TRASH} echo "Trashed $@" } ###################################################################### ## A version of pho which stores the image numbers in environment ## variables function pho () { TEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/pho.XXXXXXX) $(which pho) "$@" | tee ${TEMP} PHO_NOTE_1=$(grep ^"Note 1: " ${TEMP} | sed -e "s/^[^:]*: //") PHO_NOTE_2=$(grep ^"Note 2: " ${TEMP} | sed -e "s/^[^:]*: //") PHO_NOTE_3=$(grep ^"Note 3: " ${TEMP} | sed -e "s/^[^:]*: //") PHO_NOTE_R90=$(grep ^"Rotate 90 \(CW\): " ${TEMP} | sed -e "s/^[^:]*: //") PHO_NOTE_R180=$(grep ^"Rotate 180: " ${TEMP} | sed -e "s/^[^:]*: //") PHO_NOTE_R270=$(grep ^"Rotate -90 \(CCW\): " ${TEMP} | sed -e "s/^[^:]*: //") [[ "${PHO_NOTE_1}" ]] || unset PHO_NOTE_1 [[ "${PHO_NOTE_2}" ]] || unset PHO_NOTE_2 [[ "${PHO_NOTE_3}" ]] || unset PHO_NOTE_3 [[ "${PHO_NOTE_R90}" ]] || unset PHO_NOTE_R90 [[ "${PHO_NOTE_R180}" ]] || unset PHO_NOTE_R180 [[ "${PHO_NOTE_R270}" ]] || unset PHO_NOTE_R270 \rm ${TEMP} } ###################################################################### ## A version of date that shows the time at home if TZ is set function dt () { echo "Local - $(date)" unset TZ echo "Home - $(date)" } ###################################################################### ## ifup / ifdown with sudo and memorization of the network ## When invoked without an argument netup uses the same argument as ## the previous time ## When invoked without an argument netdown removes the last interface ## which was netuped [ ${NETUP_HISTORY} ] || NETUP_HISTORY="${HOME}/.netup_history" function netup () { local upped_wifi [[ "${WIFI_INTERFACE}" ]] || WIFI_INTERFACE=wlan0 if [[ "$1" == "--scan" ]]; then if ifconfig -s | grep -v -q ${WIFI_INTERFACE}; then sudo ifconfig ${WIFI_INTERFACE} up upped_wifi=1 fi sudo iwlist ${WIFI_INTERFACE} scan | \grep -E 'ESS|Quali|Encry' | sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' if [[ ${upped_wifi} ]]; then sudo ifconfig ${WIFI_INTERFACE} down unset upped_wifi fi return 0 fi if \ifconfig -s | grep -q -v ^'(Iface|lo) '; then echo "There is/are already interface(s) up." >&2 return 1 fi if \ps h -C dhclient | grep -q .; then echo "There is already a dhcp client running." >&2 return 1 fi if \ps h -C wpa_supplicant | grep -q .; then echo "There is already a wpa_supplicant running." >&2 return 1 fi if [[ ! "$@" ]] && [[ -s ${NETUP_HISTORY} ]]; then echo "netup " >&2 return 1 # # If we have no argument and there is a .netup_history, use it # ARGS=$(cat ${NETUP_HISTORY}) else # Otherwise uses the given arguments, and store them ARGS="$@" echo ${ARGS} > ${NETUP_HISTORY} fi if [[ "${PRIVATE_INTERFACE_DEFINITION}" ]]; then ARGS="-i ${PRIVATE_INTERFACE_DEFINITION} ${ARGS}" fi echo "Executing ${VT_GREEN_FG}[sudo ifup ${ARGS}]${VT_RESET}" sudo ifup ${ARGS} # Ugly hack to remove the dsl modem dns server when we add # explicitely a dns in the /etc/network/interfaces REMOVE_LOCAL_DNS=/usr/local/bin/remove-local-dns.sh # REMOVE_LOCAL_DNS=${HOME}/sources/scripts/remove-local-dns.sh if [[ -x ${REMOVE_LOCAL_DNS} ]]; then echo "Executing ${VT_GREEN_FG}[sudo ${REMOVE_LOCAL_DNS} 192.168]${VT_RESET}" sudo ${REMOVE_LOCAL_DNS} 192.168 fi } function netdown () { if [[ ! "$@" ]] && [[ -s ${NETUP_HISTORY} ]]; then # If there are no arguments and there is a .netup_history, get the # interface from it ARGS=$(tail -1 ${NETUP_HISTORY} | sed -e "s/=.*$//") else # Otherwise, use the standard ifdown ARGS="$@" fi [[ "${PRIVATE_INTERFACE_DEFINITION}" ]] && ARGS="-i ${PRIVATE_INTERFACE_DEFINITION} ${ARGS}" echo "Executing sudo ${VT_GREEN_FG}[ifdown ${ARGS}]${VT_RESET}" sudo ifdown ${ARGS} # if [[ $(\ps -C dhclient | tail -n +2) ]]; then # echo "There is still a dhcp client running." >&2 # return 1 # fi # if [[ $(\ps -C wpa_supplicant | tail -n +2) ]]; then # echo "There is still a wpa_supplicant running." >&2 # return 1 # fi } function checkgw () { GW=$(route -n | grep ^ | awk '{print $2}') if [[ "${GW}" ]]; then ping ${GW} else echo "Can not find a getaway." >&2 return 1 fi } ###################################################################### # Show the most recent files, no scroll function lr () { HEIGHT=$(stty size | awk '{print $1}') WIDTH=$(stty size | awk '{print $2}') \ls -goth --time-style="+%Y %b %d %H:%M" "$@" | \ head -$((HEIGHT-2)) | \ cut -b1-${WIDTH} } ###################################################################### # You can change the xterm background color on the fly! function setxtermbg () { echo -n $'\e]11;'$1$'\007' } ###################################################################### # Shuffle the lines from the stdin function shuffle () { SEED=$1 [[ $SEED ]] || SEED=0 awk 'BEGIN{srand('${SEED}')} { print rand()" "$0 }' | sort -g | sed -e "s/^[0-9\.e\-]* //" } ###################################################################### # Stores the last entered command into a file KEPT_COMMANDS=${HOME}/.kept_bash_commands function keep () { if [[ ${KEPT_COMMANDS} ]]; then TOKEEP=$(mktemp /tmp/keep.XXXXXX) if [[ "$@" ]]; then echo "$@" > ${TOKEEP} else selector -b -i -d -l ${HISTSIZE} -o "${TOKEEP}" <(history) fi if [[ -s "${TOKEEP}" ]]; then echo $(date)": "$(cat ${TOKEEP}) >> ${KEPT_COMMANDS} cat "${TOKEEP}" else echo "No command stored!" fi \rm ${TOKEEP} else echo "You have to set \$KEPT_COMMANDS" fi } ###################################################################### # I sometime burn CDs and DVDs function burn () { [[ "${DEV_BURNER}" ]] || DEV_BURNER="/dev/sr0" if [[ ! "$1" ]]; then echo "burn " >&2 elif [[ -f "$1" ]]; then if [[ $(file "$1" | \grep -E 'ISO 9660|UDF filesystem data') ]]; then wodim -eject -v dev=${DEV_BURNER} "$1" else echo "Do not know what to do with $1" >&2 fi elif [[ -d "$1" ]]; then [[ "${TMP_ROOT}" ]] || TMP_ROOT=/tmp/ echo "Using ${TMP_ROOT} as temporary directory." TMP=$(mktemp ${TMP_ROOT}/cdimage.XXXXXX) && \ genisoimage -input-charset iso8859-1 -r -o ${TMP} "$1" && \ wodim -eject -v dev=${DEV_BURNER} ${TMP} rm -f ${TMP} else echo "Can not find $1" >&2 fi } ###################################################################### # And watch DVDs too! function dvd () { echo echo " ! @ Seek to the beginning of the previous/next chapter" echo " j Cycle through the available subtitles" echo " o Show/hide the timing" echo " x z Subtitle delay" echo " / * Volume" echo if [[ "$1" ]]; then dvd_device="$1" shift else dvd_device="/dev/dvd" fi title="1" if [[ "$1" ]]; then title=$1 shift fi # -vc ffmpeg12 -vf yadif mplayer > /dev/null \ -stop-xscreensaver \ -quiet \ -alang en -slang en \ -softvol -softvol-max 1000 \ -dvd-device ${dvd_device} ${MPLAYER_OPTIONS} dvd://${title} } function ripdvd () { if [[ -e "/dev/dvd" ]]; then DVD_DEVICE="/dev/dvd" elif [[ -e "/dev/dvd3" ]]; then DVD_DEVICE="/dev/dvd3" else echo "Can not find the dvd device." >&2 return 1 fi echo "Attemptin to rip from ${DVD_DEVICE}." mkdir -p ${HOME}/dvds cd ${HOME}/dvds time dvdbackup -i ${DVD_DEVICE} -v -M "$@" && eject } alias ripcd=abcde ###################################################################### # Create small images from images function mksmall () { if [[ "$1" == "--params" ]]; then shift PARAMS="$1" shift fi [[ "${PARAMS}" ]] || PARAMS="-geometry 1280x1024" # Auto-orient does not seem to work at all, hence the ugly hack # with exif below # PARAMS="-auto-orient -geometry 800x600" echo "Using ${PARAMS}" DEST_DIR=$1 [[ ${DEST_DIR} ]] || DEST_DIR=./small mkdir -p ${DEST_DIR} if [[ ! -d ${DEST_DIR} ]]; then echo "Can not create ${DEST_DIR}" >&2 return fi NB_TOTAL=$(find -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l) NB=0 for i in $(find -maxdepth 1 -type f); do if [[ $(file $i | grep image) ]]; then if [[ -e ${DEST_DIR}/$i ]]; then echo "The file ${DEST_DIR}/$i already exists." else if [[ $(file ${i/%.*/}.* | grep -E movie) ]] ; then CAPTION_PARAMS="-font FreeSans-Bold -pointsize 32 -fill green -annotate +10+32 Video" else CAPTION_PARAMS="" fi convert ${rotation_cmd} $i ${PARAMS} ${CAPTION_PARAMS} ${DEST_DIR}/$i fi \ls -lt ${DEST_DIR}/$i fi NB=$((NB+1)) echo "$((NB*100/NB_TOTAL))% (${NB}/${NB_TOTAL})" done } ###################################################################### # Move a file to the ~/sources/config directory and replace it where # it was by a symbolic link function mvtoconfig () { CONFIGDIR=${HOME}/sources/config if [[ -d ${CONFIGDIR} ]]; then NEWNAME=${CONFIGDIR}/$(basename "$1" | sed -e "s/^\.//") mv "$1" $NEWNAME ln -s $NEWNAME $1 else echo "Can not find ${CONFIGDIR}" fi } ###################################################################### # The complex prompt policy export PS1 if [[ "${CONSOLE}" == "yes" ]]; then PS1="" else # If the login is a standard one (as specified in # IGNORED_PROMPT_LOGIN, which is set in the private bash file), do not # show it. I have IGNORED_PROMPT_LOGIN="^fleuret$". if [[ ! ${IGNORED_PROMPT_LOGIN} ]] || [[ ! ${USER} =~ ${IGNORED_PROMPT_LOGIN} ]]; then IDENT="${USER}" fi # If the display is not the main one, make the assumption that the # shell is not running on the localhost, and show the hostname [[ "${DISPLAY}" != ":0.0" ]] && IDENT="${IDENT}@\h" # If there is the login or the hostname, add a ":" to the prompt [[ "${IDENT}" ]] && IDENT="${IDENT}:" if [[ ${USER} == "root" ]]; then # If we are root, show that in red PS1="\[${VT_RED_BG}${VT_WHITE_FG}\]${IDENT}\w\[${VT_RESET}\] " else if [[ $(\grep QEMU /proc/cpuinfo) ]]; then # If we are in a qemu virtual machine, in yellow PS1="\[${VT_YELLOW_BG}${VT_BLACK_FG}\]${IDENT}\w\[${VT_RESET}\] " else # Otherwise in white PS1="\[${VT_WHITE_BG}${VT_BLACK_FG}\]${IDENT}\w\[${VT_RESET}\] " fi fi fi PS1="${PSCUE}${PS1}" ###################################################################### # This implements a local history. If we are in a directory containing # a writable local history file, we add the last line of the global # history to it. LOCAL_HISTORY_FILE=".local_bash_history" function keep_local_history () { if [[ -w "${LOCAL_HISTORY_FILE}" ]]; then history 1 | sed -e 's/^ *[0-9]* *//' >> ${LOCAL_HISTORY_FILE} TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/lh.XXXXXX) \chmod 600 ${TMP} uniq < ${LOCAL_HISTORY_FILE} | tail -${HISTSIZE} > ${TMP} # mv would replace a symbolic link, while cp keeps it \cp ${TMP} ${LOCAL_HISTORY_FILE} \rm ${TMP} LOCAL_HISTORY_HINT="* " else LOCAL_HISTORY_HINT="" fi } PS1="\[${VT_WHITE_BG}\]\${LOCAL_HISTORY_HINT}\[${VT_RESET}\]${PS1}" ###################################################################### # Show the history path if it is unusual function histfile_cue () { if [[ ! "${HISTFILE}" == "${HOME}/.bash_history" ]]; then HISTORY_CUE="[${HISTFILE}]" else HISTORY_CUE="" fi } PS1="\[${VT_YELLOW_BG}\]\${HISTORY_CUE}\[${VT_RESET}\]${PS1}" ###################################################################### # The dus command is available on my web site # # git clone http://fleuret.org/git/dus/ alias dus='dus -f -i' ###################################################################### # The finddup command is available on my web site # # git clone http://fleuret.org/git/finddup/ alias finddup='finddup -p' ###################################################################### # The selector command is available on my web site # # git clone http://fleuret.org/git/selector/ export SELECTOR_CD_HISTORY_SIZE=10000 source bash-selector.sh --hist --cd ###################################################################### # And we avoid to put in the history the use of the selector, which we # do too often HISTIGNORE="${HISTIGNORE}:selector-history" ###################################################################### function selector-printer () { TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/selector-printer.XXXXXX) selector -o ${TMP} <(lpstat -a | awk '{print $1}') export PRINTER=$(cat ${TMP}) echo "PRINTER=${PRINTER}" rm -f ${TMP} lpq } ###################################################################### # A ls with memory to notice what files have been added/removed from # the current directory function lsn () { [[ "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" ]] || LSN_STATE_FILE=".lsn-state" if [[ $1 == "--mem" ]] || [[ "$1" == "-m" ]]; then \ls -pa | sort > "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" echo "State updated." >&2 elif [[ $1 == "+" ]]; then shift TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/lsn.XXXXXX) \ls -d "$@" > ${TMP} cat "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" >> ${TMP} sort ${TMP} | uniq -u > "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" \rm ${TMP} elif [[ "$1" ]]; then cat >&2 < ...] Where --help|-h prints this help --mem|-m stores the current state of the directory + [ ...] switches the presence/absence of the indicated files in the stored state EOF if [[ ! "$1" == "-h" ]] && [[ ! "$1" == "--help" ]]; then echo >&2 "Unknown option \`\`$1''." return 1 fi else if [[ -f "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" ]]; then TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/lsn.XXXXXX) \ls -pa | sort > ${TMP} if diff > /dev/null ${TMP} "${LSN_STATE_FILE}"; then echo "${VT_GREEN_FG}${VT_BOLD}No change (since $(date +"%b %d, %Y" -r "${LSN_STATE_FILE}"))${VT_RESET}" else \comm -1 -3 "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" ${TMP} \comm -2 -3 "${LSN_STATE_FILE}" ${TMP} | while read line; do echo "${VT_RED_FG}${VT_BOLD}${line}${VT_RESET} (missing)" done fi \rm ${TMP} else echo "${VT_RED_FG}${VT_BOLD}No lsn state here.${VT_RESET}" >&2 return 1 fi fi } ###################################################################### function prompt_command () { # if [[ ! "${CORE_CHECK_PWD}" == ${PWD} ]] && [[ $(find . -maxdepth 1 -name "core__*" -print -quit) ]]; then [[ "${CORE_CHECK_PWD}" == ${PWD} ]] || find . -maxdepth 1 -name "core__*" CORE_CHECK_PWD=${PWD} # if [[ $(umask) != 0022 ]]; then # echo "Umask changed to $(umask)" # fi # save the history after every command to avoid loosing some when # multiple shells are open history -a # load the saved history history -n # and the local histories system defined above keep_local_history # and the history cue histfile_cue } PROMPT_COMMAND="prompt_command" ###################################################################### # Displaying the timezone if it is set [[ ${TZ} ]] && echo "${VT_BLUE_FG}Time zone is ${TZ}.${VT_RESET}" ######################################################################