This is an implementation of a deep residual network for predicting the dynamics of 2D shapes as described in F. Fleuret. Predicting the dynamics of 2d objects with a deep residual network. CoRR, abs/1610.04032, 2016. This package is composed of a simple 2d physics simulator called 'flatland' written in C++, to generate the data-set, and a deep residual network 'dyncnn' written in the Lua/Torch7 framework. You can run the reference experiment by executing the shell script. It will (1) Generate the data-set of 40k triplets of images, (2) Train the deep network, and output validation results every 100 epochs. This takes 15h on a GTX 1080 with cuda 8.0, cudnn 5.1, and recent torch. (3) Generate two pictures of the internal activations. (4) Generate a graph with the loss curves if gnuplot is installed. -- Francois Fleuret Nov 6, 2016 Martigny