require 'torch' require 'nn' local DAG, parent = torch.class('nn.DAG', 'nn.Container') function DAG:__init() parent.__init(self) -- Nodes are indexed by the module they encompass self.node = { } end function DAG:createNode(nnm) if not self.node[nnm] then self:add(nnm) -- Add it to the object as a Container self.node[nnm] = {} self.node[nnm].succ = {} self.node[nnm].pred = {} end end function DAG:addEdge(nnma, nnmb) self.sorted = nil self:createNode(nnma) self:createNode(nnmb) table.insert(self.node[nnmb].pred, nnma) table.insert(self.node[nnma].succ, nnmb) end -- Apply f on t recursively; use the corresponding a1 and a2 elements -- (i.e. same keys) as second and third parameters to f when -- available; return the results from f, organized in a similarly -- nested table. function DAG:nestApply(f, t, a1, a2) if torch.type(t) == 'table' then local result = {} for k, s in pairs(t) do result[k] = self:nestApply(f, s, a1 and a1[k], a2 and a2[k]) end return result else return f(t, a1, a2) end end function DAG:setInput(i) self.sorted = nil self.inputModules = i self:nestApply( function(nnm) if #self.node[nnm].succ == 0 then error('Input modules must have outgoing edges.') end if #self.node[nnm].pred > 0 then error('Input modules cannog have incoming edges.') end end, self.inputModules ) end function DAG:setOutput(o) self.sorted = nil self.outputModules = o self:nestApply( function(nnm) if #self.node[nnm].pred == 0 then error('Output module must have incoming edges.') end if #self.node[nnm].succ > 0 then error('Output module cannot have outgoing edges.') end end, self.outputModules ) end function DAG:putInOrder() if self.sorted then return end -- First, we sort the nodes according to the DAG order local distance = {} self:nestApply(function(m) distance[m] = 1 end, self.inputModules) local nc repeat nc = 0 for nnma, node in pairs(self.node) do for _, nnmb in pairs(node.succ) do if distance[nnma] and (not distance[nnmb] or distance[nnmb] < distance[nnma] + 1) then distance[nnmb] = distance[nnma] + 1 nc = nc + 1 end end end until nc == 0 self.sorted = { } for m, d in pairs(distance) do table.insert(self.sorted, { distance = d, nnm = m }) end table.sort(self.sorted, function(a, b) return a.distance < b.distance end) for i, a in ipairs(self.sorted) do self.sorted[i] = a.nnm end end function DAG:print() self:putInOrder() for i, d in ipairs(self.sorted) do print('#' .. i .. ' -> ' .. torch.type(d)) end end function DAG:updateOutput(input) self:putInOrder() self:nestApply( function(nnm, i) self.node[nnm].input = i nnm:updateOutput(i) end, self.inputModules, input ) for _, nnm in ipairs(self.sorted) do local node = self.node[nnm] if #node.pred > 0 then local i if #node.pred == 1 then i = node.pred[1].output elseif #node.pred > 1 then i = {} for k = 1, #node.pred do i[k] = node.pred[k].output end end node.input = i nnm:updateOutput(i) end end self.output = self:nestApply(function(m) return m.output end, self.outputModules) return self.output end function DAG:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) self:putInOrder() self:nestApply( function(nnm, go) nnm:updateGradInput(self.node[nnm].input, go) end, self.outputModules, gradOutput ) for _, node in pairs(self.node) do node.gradInputSucc = {} end for k = #self.sorted, 1, -1 do local nnm = self.sorted[k] local node = self.node[nnm] local pred, succ, gradInputSucc = node.pred, node.succ, node.gradInputSucc if #gradInputSucc > 0 then -- We update nnm:gradInput local gi if #gradInputSucc == 1 then gi = gradInputSucc[1] -- we avoid a clone() elseif #gradInputSucc > 1 then for k = 1, #gradInputSucc do if gi then gi:add(gradInputSucc[k]) else gi = gradInputSucc[k]:clone() end end end nnm:updateGradInput(node.input, gi) end -- We fill the gradInputSucc of our predecessors if #pred == 1 then table.insert(self.node[pred[1]].gradInputSucc, nnm.gradInput) elseif #pred > 1 then if not torch.type(nnm.gradInput) == 'table' then error('Should have a table gradInput since it has multiple predecessors') end for n = 1, #pred do table.insert(self.node[node.pred[n]].gradInputSucc, nnm.gradInput[n]) end end end self.gradInput = self:nestApply(function(m) return m.gradInput end, self.inputModules) return self.gradInput end return DAG